SOUTH SUDAN: Bishop of Khartoum Applauds the Peace Initiatives Effort of the Catholic Church in the Country

Rt. Rev. Daniel Adwok, 
Auxiliary Bishop of Khartoum

Auxiliary Bishop of Khartoum, in Sudan, Rt. Rev. Daniel Adwok, has commended
the commitment of the Church in South Sudan to promoting peace through several
initiatives, such as publicly standing up against all atrocities happening in
the country; participation in the Addis Ababa peace negotiations and prayers
for peace.
Adwok, who is visiting South Sudan, said that in this crucial moment the role
of the Church is to listen and to advise all actors engaged in the peace
He explained
that the Church is a communion of believers and that all members shall
contribute to promote peace by praying for forgiveness. He reminded all the
people that while the role of the Bishops is to lead the journey of the
Christian communities, it is the responsibility of each member to make the
first step to change.
For people
to live in forgiveness they should to be open to the encounter with Jesus so
that his message can go deeply into their hearts.
Bishop Adwok
said that faith is a process and all Christians need to grow as believers. He
explained that for Christians to grow they need to keep seeking for the Lord
and learn how to look at others with the eyes of faith.  In his way people shall entrust their
strengths to Jesus so that they can be used to love and respect the others.
Source: Enrica Valentini CRN

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