KENYA: KCCB marks World Refugee Day

Bishop Pante receiving offertory from a refugee during the 
celebrations, looking on is Fr. Daniel Rono, Secretary 
General of KCCB

Vice-Chairman of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Commission for
Refugees, Migrants and Sea Farers, Rt. Rev Virgilio Pante, has called on the
faithful to pray for peace and justice to prevail in the world so as to curb
the number of people being displaced from their homes.
Bishop Pante
of Maralal Diocese was speaking in Nairobi when he led the Eucharistic
celebration to mark World Refugee Day on 22nd, June, 2015.
“Every 15
minutes, a person is displaced in the World,” said Bishop Pante.
The bishop
urged the refugees in Kenya not to lose hope despite the challenges they may be
encountering, and at the same time called on Kenyans to shun tribalism and
racism and support the refugees by allowing them to access schools and jobs to
make them feel more at home in the country.
Rt. Rev. Virgilio Pante, 
Bishop of Maralal 
and Vice-Chairman of the
 Kenya Conference of Catholic 
Bishops (KCCB) Commission
 for Refugees, Migrants and 
Sea Farers
from Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Somalia, Ethopia, Eritria, Sudan and South
Sudan living in Kenya, converged at St. John the Baptist, Riruta Parish in
Nairobi for spiritual nourishment and to make known to the world, their plight
and quest for recognition and acceptance.
Bishop Pante
consoled the refugees and urged them to put their faith in God. “God is in
control. Have strong faith and believe in Him. Remember even Jesus Christ
sought refuge in Africa,” he said.
Referring to
the global theme for Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) “Push forward, not back,”
Bishop Pante appealed to the Government to allow refugees from Somalia to
repatriate voluntarily and not force them back to their country. He also urged
the Government to consider re-settling all the internally displaced persons in
the country. 
The event,
organized by KCCB- Commission for Refugee, Migrants and Sea Farers and JRS, was
also attended by the KCCB General Secretary, Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Kimutai Rono,
who appealed to Kenyans to show solidarity with the refugees and to take care
of them, praying for peace and allow harmony to prevail in the world and
especially in the Eastern African Countries.
According to
the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) annual Global Trends
report, Kenya is currently hosting more than 600,000 refugees. The total number
of refugees in the world currently stands at 50 million, with Kenya at number
four worldwide behind Pakistan, Iran and Germany, in hosting the highest number
of refugees.
Source: Rose Achiego, Waumini Communications

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