ZAMBIA: ZEC Secretary General encourages use of Bible for Family Catechesis

Rev. Fr. Cleophas Lungu, 
Secretary Genera Zambia
 Episcopal Conference
The Secretary
General of Zambia Episcopal Conference ZEC, Rev. Fr Cleophas Lungu has urged
pastoral agents to promote the use of Bible for family catechesis. Speaking at
the opening of a workshop for Pastoral Agents in Lusaka, Fr. Lungu called on
the Pastoral Agents to build a pastoral ministry with family Bible saying the Bible
can be a resource for Family Catechesis.
Over 30 Pastoral
Agents gathered at St. Dominic’s Major Seminary in Lusaka for a five-day workshop
on family and consecrated life in the light of human rights. The workshop which
began on Monday 8th to Friday 12th June drew participants
from eight of the 11 Diocese of Zambia. These included Archdioceses of Kasama
and Lusaka; Dioceses of Chipata, Livingstone, Mansa, Mongu, Mpika, and Solwezi.
The Dioceses of Monze, Ndola and Kabwe were not represented.
Group Photo of the workshop participants

Fr Lungu
also encouraged the participants to inculcate the desire to know, read, love,
pray and serves the Bible in families. He added that the Bible can transform
individuals, families, communities and the Church if appreciated. He further
emphasized the role of the Bible in a Catholic Family, saying that the Bible
can be used as a tool of Reconciliation, counselor to the family when facing
challenges as well as used as a source and inspiration for the new
evangelization, family unity and communion.

Other topics
presented included Humane Vitae and its challenges in families, Gender Based Violence
in Families and Marriage preparations. Also the issue of Satanism and
Witchcraft in Families was also discussed as well as Pastoral Care of the
family and the relationship between family life and consecrated life in view of
Liturgy and Culture.
Source: Mr. Mwenya Mukuka, Communications
Officer Zambia Episcopal Conference

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