UGANDA: Millions of Pilgrims flock at Namugongo for Uganda Martyrs day

Rt. Rev. Joseph Franzelli, 
Bishop of Lira and 
Main Celebrant
two million pilgrims from across the globe flocked at the Namugongo Shrines in
Kampala, Uganda on June 3, 2015, to celebrate the lives of Christian converts
killed by the former Buganda King, Kabaka Mwanga II in the late 1880s.
The celebrations kicked-off in grand
style with a procession of Archbishops, Bishops and Priests from different
parts of the world. The Diocese of Lira led the liturgical celebration amid
jubilation from the choir members who sang songs in Langi, Acholi, Luganda, and
English. This year’s event was held under the theme ‘Called to be witnesses of Christ in the family and in the society’ Acts 1:5.
Bishop of Lira Diocese, Rt. Rev Joseph Franzelli presided at the Thanksgiving
Mass that was concelebrated with the Apostolic Nuncio to Uganda, H.E. Most Rev.
Michael August Blume, His Eminence Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala, Archbishops,
Bishops and over 100 priests from within the country and outside.
In his homily, Bishop Franzelli told
the Christians to stay away from evil vices and condemn corruption, domestic
violence, revenge, abuse of political power, injustice and depriving citizens
of their civic rights and freedom of expression.
H.E. Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala and 
H.E. Most Rev. Michael August Blume, 
Apostolic Nuncio to Uganda

“Our Criteria and scale of values
do not match with the ones proposed by Jesus Christ,” Bishop Franzelli said. “We
are faced with two different ‘gospels’ the one of Jesus and the one of the
world. Which gospel do we believe in? We must choose, as no one can be the
servant of two masters.”

He added that faith should be
lived through action and Christians must demonstrate good example to those
around them including in families, at places of work, school, offices and even
in government premises.
Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Blume reminded Christians to embrace word and
action, led by the Holy Spirit. “All authentic Christian witness is martyrdom,
for we pay a price, a dying to ourselves to let Christ be visible in our
humanity,” he said.
speaking on the event The President of Uganda, H.E. Yoweri Museveni as the
Chief Guest said that believers ought to take up the mantle of showing good
examples through their deeds.
Thousands of Pilgrims attended the Eucharistic Celebrations

have been reading in the media about pilgrims who trek long distances to come to
Namugongo commemorate Uganda Martyrs day. Pilgrims have been able to walk day
and night to Namugongo without any insecurity incidents because of peace in all
parts of the country. I would also like to encourage all Christians to lead by
examples by working hard and staying healthy for better development,” he said.
Museveni also pledged government’s continued support towards developing

Choir Members during the Eucharistic Celebrations
of the pilgrims hailed from Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Africa, Congo,
Malawi, USA, France, Canada, Burundi, Angola, Nigeria, United Kingdom, India,
Mauritius, Mali and Uganda among other countries. They arrived on foot while
others used other means of transport including bicycle, buses, airplanes and
Every June 3 Christians from
across the world commemorate the martyrdom of the Uganda Martyrs, who were
killed for converting to Christianity between the years 1885 and 1887.  The
22 African Roman Catholic martyrs were collectively beatified by Pope Benedict
XV in 1920 and canonized by Pope Paul VI on October 18, 1964. Their feast day
is June 3.
Jacinta W. Odongo, Media Officer, Uganda Episcopal Conference

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