TANZANIA: Caritas donates USD 5,000 Emergency Aid to Burundi Refugees

Tanzanian Episcopal Conference (TEC) through its charitable arm, Caritas, has
donated USD 5,000 (Tsh. 10,000,000) as emergency relief to meet the immediate
needs of an estimated 100,000 who have entered Kigoma Region in Western
Tanzanian Episcopal Conference (TEC) through its charitable arm, Caritas, has
donated USD 5,000 (Tsh. 10,000,000) as emergency relief to meet the immediate
needs of an estimated 100,000 who have entered Kigoma Region in Western
The Head of
Caritas Tanzania, (relief and emergency section) Mr. Ephraim Mkenda, has said
the donation is a starting point to allow refugees who enter Kigoma daily meet
the most immediate needs.
Caritas Tanzania, (relief and emergency section) Mr. Ephraim Mkenda, has said
the donation is a starting point to allow refugees who enter Kigoma daily meet
the most immediate needs.
“Caritas is looking
for more money to cope with increasing number of refugees entering Tanzania
daily,” he said.
for more money to cope with increasing number of refugees entering Tanzania
daily,” he said.
According to Mr.
Mkenda, Caritas is applying for funding from Caritas International to buy items
like, food, medicines and other basic needs for people in the camps.
Mkenda, Caritas is applying for funding from Caritas International to buy items
like, food, medicines and other basic needs for people in the camps.
Also Caritas
Tanzania has committed some 140 workers to work in the refugee camps.
Tanzania has committed some 140 workers to work in the refugee camps.
“Our staff are
facing some challenges in the operation due lack of proper organization in
dealing with the refugees at the moment,” Mr. Mkenda said.
facing some challenges in the operation due lack of proper organization in
dealing with the refugees at the moment,” Mr. Mkenda said.
Caritas is offering counseling services to refugees who must start new life in the
Caritas is offering counseling services to refugees who must start new life in the
Meanwhile, Mr.
Mkenda said that lack of proper hygiene in the refugee camps has claimed the
lives of 30 refugees due to the cholera outbreak. “The government is putting
strict measures to eradicate the disease,” he said.
Mkenda said that lack of proper hygiene in the refugee camps has claimed the
lives of 30 refugees due to the cholera outbreak. “The government is putting
strict measures to eradicate the disease,” he said.
By Liberatha Ruhikula, Kiongozi
Newspaper TEC Communication Office.
Newspaper TEC Communication Office.