KENYA: Waumini Communications Crafts Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020

Rt. Rev. Joseph Obanyi, 
Bishop of Kakamega 
and KCCB Communications
 Commission Chairman

Radio Managers and Diocesan communication coordinators in Kenya held a one-week
workshop in Nairobi (25th to 29th May 2015) to generate a
five year Strategic Plan which shall guide the Kenyan Catholic Conference of
Bishops Communications Department.
from different dioceses under the leadership of Waumini Communications Managing
Director David Omwoyo, joined forces to generate a vision, mission, core
values, objectives, outputs and outcomes expected to help streamline operations
of Waumini Communications.
during the workshop, newly elected Chairman for Commission for Social
Communications, Rt. Rev. Joseph Obanyi said the Strategic Plan would help the
Church to focus on communication needed for effective evangelization.
Obanyi encouraged Catholic journalists to spotlight social justice issues
facing the country, especially insecurity and poverty.
A guest
speaker at the function, Rt. Rev. Bernadini Mfumbusa, who is the Chairman for
Social Communication Commission in the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) said
the Catholic Church still lags in the use of social media for evangelization largely
because seminarians are not exposed to the new technologies during their
Mfumbusa said that the Church must move with the times and embrace digital
He challenged
the Church to create web presence, learn multimedia communication skills and
commit more resources to IT, saying this would help reach more techno-savvy
By Rose Achiego, Waumini
Communications KCCB

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