ERITREA: Diocese of Barentu determines to keep Faith despite of many Challenges

Despite a
myriad of problems Eritrea is facing as a country, the Catholic Church in the
Diocese of Barentu is determined to keep faith alive by focusing majorly on
Pastoral Evangelization.
myriad of problems Eritrea is facing as a country, the Catholic Church in the
Diocese of Barentu is determined to keep faith alive by focusing majorly on
Pastoral Evangelization.
“The reason
why Pastoral Ministry is the priority of our diocese is because, our region
which is known as Gash-Barka still needs a lot of evangelization,” says Bishop
Thomas Osman, O.F.M. Cap. Bishop of the Catholic Eparchy of Barentu, which is
located in the West Lowlands of Eritrea.
why Pastoral Ministry is the priority of our diocese is because, our region
which is known as Gash-Barka still needs a lot of evangelization,” says Bishop
Thomas Osman, O.F.M. Cap. Bishop of the Catholic Eparchy of Barentu, which is
located in the West Lowlands of Eritrea.
The Diocese
which has a total population of approximately 740,000 out of which 44,000 are
Catholics, the rest of the people are either Muslims, Orthodox and Evangelical
Protestants. The region is often described as the bread basket of Eritrea owing
to its rich fertile land and extensive farming activities.
which has a total population of approximately 740,000 out of which 44,000 are
Catholics, the rest of the people are either Muslims, Orthodox and Evangelical
Protestants. The region is often described as the bread basket of Eritrea owing
to its rich fertile land and extensive farming activities.
in 1995, the Diocese of Barentu currently has 13 parishes with eight diocesan
priests. It has a minor seminary, which according to Bishop Osman currently has
30 seminarians.
in 1995, the Diocese of Barentu currently has 13 parishes with eight diocesan
priests. It has a minor seminary, which according to Bishop Osman currently has
30 seminarians.
“The priests
are very few and even myself I have to celebrate two to three Masses every
Sunday. The diocese has a total of 60 catechists only but even this number is
not consistence because the catechists are not committed for long term,” Bishop
Osman said, and emphasized that that this is the biggest challenge to their
mission of evangelization.
are very few and even myself I have to celebrate two to three Masses every
Sunday. The diocese has a total of 60 catechists only but even this number is
not consistence because the catechists are not committed for long term,” Bishop
Osman said, and emphasized that that this is the biggest challenge to their
mission of evangelization.
catechists tend to leave the ministry quite often in search of better
employment opportunities since the diocese cannot afford to pay them,” Bishop
Osman pointed out.
catechists tend to leave the ministry quite often in search of better
employment opportunities since the diocese cannot afford to pay them,” Bishop
Osman pointed out.
The Bishop is,
however, optimistic that the situation will one day change when the country
becomes favorable for everyone, especially the young people.
however, optimistic that the situation will one day change when the country
becomes favorable for everyone, especially the young people.
Source: Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News