KENYA: Catholic Bishops Upset by High Court ruling on Gays

The Catholic
Bishops of Kenya have been distressed by High Court ruling allowing gay and
lesbian community to register an association.
In their
statement issued on 8 May 2015 (at the end of their plenary) held in Nairobi from
4 to 8 May this year, the Bishops said that they have been deeply disturbed by
this decision and stated, “This is a deliberate attempt by certain individuals
and institutions to push dangerous agendas and ideologies that are unnatural,
un-African and un-Christian. It is a threat to the family.”
statement issued on 8 May 2015 (at the end of their plenary) held in Nairobi from
4 to 8 May this year, the Bishops said that they have been deeply disturbed by
this decision and stated, “This is a deliberate attempt by certain individuals
and institutions to push dangerous agendas and ideologies that are unnatural,
un-African and un-Christian. It is a threat to the family.”
happened to the assurance by the Attorney General to the country and religious
groups that the constitution would not legalize same sex unions? Furthermore, the
Kenyan law outlaws gay sex and sodomy, how then does the same law allow gays
and homosexuals to register their organization? Is this not a legal
contradiction?” queried the Bishops in their statement.
happened to the assurance by the Attorney General to the country and religious
groups that the constitution would not legalize same sex unions? Furthermore, the
Kenyan law outlaws gay sex and sodomy, how then does the same law allow gays
and homosexuals to register their organization? Is this not a legal
contradiction?” queried the Bishops in their statement.
The Bishops
further stated, “Our stand as the Catholic Church on this issue is clear; that
these unions go against nature and the teachings of the Bible – ‘He created
them, male and female, and He blessed them. (Genesis 5: 2),”
further stated, “Our stand as the Catholic Church on this issue is clear; that
these unions go against nature and the teachings of the Bible – ‘He created
them, male and female, and He blessed them. (Genesis 5: 2),”
“We will not
allow our country to be a sowing ground for strange ideologies in pursuit of narrow
economic interests,” read statement adding “We categorically reject any agenda
fronting this kind of unnatural ideologies.”
allow our country to be a sowing ground for strange ideologies in pursuit of narrow
economic interests,” read statement adding “We categorically reject any agenda
fronting this kind of unnatural ideologies.”
The High
Court, last week ruled that members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender rights group could formally register their organization. The
decision was issued in response to a petition filed by the National Gay and
Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC), which sought to be registered under
the Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Board Act.
Court, last week ruled that members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender rights group could formally register their organization. The
decision was issued in response to a petition filed by the National Gay and
Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC), which sought to be registered under
the Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Board Act.
Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Board rejected the group’s request
to register in March 2013.
Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Board rejected the group’s request
to register in March 2013.
The Bishops
also in their statement commended the President of Kenya; His Excellency Uhuru
Kenyatta for his decisive action of suspending state officers suspected of
engaging in corruption.
also in their statement commended the President of Kenya; His Excellency Uhuru
Kenyatta for his decisive action of suspending state officers suspected of
engaging in corruption.
“We demand
that the process of handling corruption cases is fast, just and conclusive. We
decry corruption and demand zero tolerance on the same. Let us unite to end
corruption and save our country,” read the statement.
that the process of handling corruption cases is fast, just and conclusive. We
decry corruption and demand zero tolerance on the same. Let us unite to end
corruption and save our country,” read the statement.
By AMECEA Online News Reporter
Full Text of the Statement
“Do not be afraid, I am with you,
for I am your God. (Isaiah 41:10)
for I am your God. (Isaiah 41:10)
Dear Christians, fellow Kenyans and all people of good
will, we, the Catholic Bishops in Kenya, meeting at St. Thomas Aquinas
Seminary in Nairobi
from 4th to 8th of May, 2015 greet you in the name of Our
Lord Jesus Christ. Peace be with you!
Dear Christians, fellow Kenyans and all people of good
will, we, the Catholic Bishops in Kenya, meeting at St. Thomas Aquinas
Seminary in Nairobi
from 4th to 8th of May, 2015 greet you in the name of Our
Lord Jesus Christ. Peace be with you!
Coming after our Ad Limina visit to the Holy See, on
April 13-17th, 2015, we bring you blessings and prayerful wishes from
the Holy Father, Pope Francis. He assures you, dear Kenyans and the entire
Family of God of his prayers and solidarity especially in these trying moments
for Christians.
April 13-17th, 2015, we bring you blessings and prayerful wishes from
the Holy Father, Pope Francis. He assures you, dear Kenyans and the entire
Family of God of his prayers and solidarity especially in these trying moments
for Christians.
During our Ordinary Plenary
Assembly, we have taken stock, reflected deeply on the state of the Nation and
have identified the following issues of great concern:
Assembly, we have taken stock, reflected deeply on the state of the Nation and
have identified the following issues of great concern:
State of insecurity
We began our meeting as the sad news
of the horrific slaughter of more than 50 Kenyans in the North Rift and other
parts of the country, reached us.
of the horrific slaughter of more than 50 Kenyans in the North Rift and other
parts of the country, reached us.
We share the pain of the families
and friends who have lost their dear ones.
and friends who have lost their dear ones.
Dear Kenyans, this is not the
first time that lives have been lost in this area. You recall that over 42
security officers were killed in the region in November 2013.
first time that lives have been lost in this area. You recall that over 42
security officers were killed in the region in November 2013.
These killings come barely a
month after we lost 148 young Kenyans in a terror attack at the Garissa
University College. In less than a month, we have lost more than 200 Kenyans to
senseless killings. These murders including the deliberate targeting of
Christians for execution are unacceptable.
month after we lost 148 young Kenyans in a terror attack at the Garissa
University College. In less than a month, we have lost more than 200 Kenyans to
senseless killings. These murders including the deliberate targeting of
Christians for execution are unacceptable.
It is sad, that despite many promises,
threats and ultimatums which have become the norm from the Government very
little is done, and the same tragic cycle of death continues.
threats and ultimatums which have become the norm from the Government very
little is done, and the same tragic cycle of death continues.
Kenyans are worried and desperate.
The Government, which swore to protect Kenyans, seems hopelessly incapable of offering
permanent solutions to perennial insecurity.
The Government, which swore to protect Kenyans, seems hopelessly incapable of offering
permanent solutions to perennial insecurity.
In the case of the North Rift, we
have constantly warned that the conflict in the region is worsening, especially
after the discovery of oil and other minerals. Hundreds if not thousands of lives
have been lost in this perennial conflict that has erroneously been called ‘cattle
rustling’, but which we as Church leaders call brutal murder.
have constantly warned that the conflict in the region is worsening, especially
after the discovery of oil and other minerals. Hundreds if not thousands of lives
have been lost in this perennial conflict that has erroneously been called ‘cattle
rustling’, but which we as Church leaders call brutal murder.
We will not relent in our call to
Government to fulfill its constitutional mandate and protect all Kenyans. Time
has now come to draw the line. A Government that cannot protect its own people
loses its legitimacy to govern.
Government to fulfill its constitutional mandate and protect all Kenyans. Time
has now come to draw the line. A Government that cannot protect its own people
loses its legitimacy to govern.
As a country, we cannot sit back
as Kenyans continue to lose their lives due to laxity on the part of our
security personnel. These murders in different parts of the country must stop.
as Kenyans continue to lose their lives due to laxity on the part of our
security personnel. These murders in different parts of the country must stop.
Local leaders and other
‘untouchables’ who continue arming and inciting communities against each other
must be dealt with. We have one government and one President. Decisive action
must be taken.
‘untouchables’ who continue arming and inciting communities against each other
must be dealt with. We have one government and one President. Decisive action
must be taken.
Other conflict resolution
mechanisms including disarmament, economic empowerment and local peace initiatives
need strengthening.
mechanisms including disarmament, economic empowerment and local peace initiatives
need strengthening.
Leadership and
In the recent past, we have witnessed a serious
breach of the code of conduct of Leadership and Integrity by the State and Public
Officers in total contravention of our constitution and moral values. Runaway
corruption is almost crippling not only our economy but the entire country.
State agencies set up to deal with corruption have failed the test of
breach of the code of conduct of Leadership and Integrity by the State and Public
Officers in total contravention of our constitution and moral values. Runaway
corruption is almost crippling not only our economy but the entire country.
State agencies set up to deal with corruption have failed the test of
While we commend the President for his decisive
action of suspending state officers suspected of engaging in corruption, we
demand that the process of handling corruption cases is fast, just and
conclusive. We decry corruption and demand zero tolerance on the same. Let us
unite to end corruption and save our country.
action of suspending state officers suspected of engaging in corruption, we
demand that the process of handling corruption cases is fast, just and
conclusive. We decry corruption and demand zero tolerance on the same. Let us
unite to end corruption and save our country.
Blanket Adoption of Self
Destructive Ideologies
Destructive Ideologies
Fellow Kenyans, we are deeply disturbed by the recent High Court ruling
allowing the registration of an Association of Gays and Lesbians. This is a deliberate attempt by certain
individuals and institutions to push dangerous agendas and ideologies that are
unnatural, un-African and un-Christian. It is a threat to the family.
allowing the registration of an Association of Gays and Lesbians. This is a deliberate attempt by certain
individuals and institutions to push dangerous agendas and ideologies that are
unnatural, un-African and un-Christian. It is a threat to the family.
What happened to the assurance by the Attorney General to the
country and religious groups that the constitution would not legalise same sex
country and religious groups that the constitution would not legalise same sex
Furthermore he Kenyan law outlaws gay sex and sodomy, how then
does the same law allow gays and homosexuals to register their organisation? Is
this not a legal contradiction?
does the same law allow gays and homosexuals to register their organisation? Is
this not a legal contradiction?
Our stand as the Catholic Church on this issue is clear; that these
unions go against nature and the teachings of the Bible – ‘He created them,
male and female, and He blessed them.’ (Genesis 5: 2).
unions go against nature and the teachings of the Bible – ‘He created them,
male and female, and He blessed them.’ (Genesis 5: 2).
We will not allow our country to be a sowing ground for strange
ideologies in pursuit of narrow economic interests. We categorically reject any
agenda fronting this kind of unnatural ideologies.
ideologies in pursuit of narrow economic interests. We categorically reject any
agenda fronting this kind of unnatural ideologies.
Dear Kenyans, and people of good will, we, the Catholic Bishops in Kenya, urge
you to remain prayerful and vigilant. We want to assure you, that we shall not
tire of reminding the Government of its constitutional mandate to protect lives
and provide basic services: that is our pledge to you.
Dear Kenyans, and people of good will, we, the Catholic Bishops in Kenya, urge
you to remain prayerful and vigilant. We want to assure you, that we shall not
tire of reminding the Government of its constitutional mandate to protect lives
and provide basic services: that is our pledge to you.
May the Lord guide you and keep you safe now and
forever more.
Signed: ________________________Date:
May 8, 2015
Rt. Rev.
Philip Anyolo Chairman – Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops
& all the KCCB Bishops