UGANDA: AMECEA/USCCB to conduct Capacity Building Training for Uganda Episcopal Conference

Management staffs from Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) are the next
beneficiaries of the Capacity building project of AMECEA in collaboration with
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). 

capacity building training comes in after Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops
(KCCB) workshop held in February 2015.
to AMECEA Online News, Ms. Christine
Mbugi, Coordinator of the AMECEA/USCCB Capacity Building program, said that the
training workshop for the Senior Management team from all UEC Arch/Dioceses is
scheduled for 4th – 9th May 2015. The venue of the
workshop will be at the Pope Paul VI Memorial Hotel in Kampala, Uganda.
“So far 63 people have confirmed their participation and are all looking forward to participate in the training according to the information I received from the Secretary General Msgr. John Kauta,” said Ms. Mbugi.
Among the topics to be presented includes Leadership and Management in Church Institutions, Strategic Pastoral Planning, Management of Human Resource, Church Social Teachings, Conflict Resolution and Investment in Church Institutions. This will be facilitated by the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA).
UEC is the sixth Conference in the series to receive Capacity Building training for Senior Management Personnel from the Arch/Dioceses. Other Conferences which have received similar trainings included Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference, Episcopal Conference of Ethiopia, Tanzania Episcopal Conference, Episcopal Conference of Malawi and Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops.
AMECEA in collaboration with USCCB plans to conduct trainings to agents of evangelization throughout AMECEA region that aims at maintaining an effective, diverse and motivated workforce at dioceses level and to ensure excellence in support of the Region’s pastoral outreach by empowering all the parties in the region.
The last Conference that will benefit from this noble exercise as the project wraps the first phase is Zambia in September 2015.
By AMECEA Social Communication reporter

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