VATICAN: Catholic Bishops of Kenya Re-energized after their Meeting with Pope Francis

The Ad Limina meeting with
the Holy Father Pope Francis has given the Kenyan Bishops an additional grace
and strength to be ready to love, work for peace, seek reconciliation and
forgiveness of each other despite many challenges and  terror attacks by Al-Shabaab. 

Catholic Bishops of Kenya
Speaking after prayers at St Mary Major Basilica which is dedicated to
our Lady, Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth, the Chairman of Catholic Justice and Peace
Commission and Archbishop of Kisumu said the Bishops visit to Rome has
energized them, gave them opportunity to pray for peace in the country,
strengthen their faith, revealing that they are now ready to go and evangelize
strongly the message of Christ the prince of peace and love of each other.
Archbishop Okoth called on Kenyans to remain peaceful and promise to
continue working for peace and justice. He said that all citizens are invited
to communicate the message of peace, tolerance, forgiveness and acceptance of
other faith.
He called for harmonious coexistence with people of different faith
after the heinous attack at Garissa University College in northern Kenya that
left 148 people dead. “We know there is some Islamic influence but we still say
we can live together with Muslim brothers and sisters without killing each
Speaking at the same event, Most Rev Martin Kivuva, the Chairman of
Social Communication and Archbishop of Mombasa, said the cowardice attack left
many Christians confused as to whether it is a religious war or terrorist
Archbishop Kivuva said there are already initiatives to ensure that
peace prevails in Kenya by holding meetings with council of inter-religious
leaders, planning meetings with the youths of whom the majority are recruited
and engaged in terror attacks indicating the challenge of many pockets of insurgencies
in the country.
Kivuva said that he is pursuing a possibility of having a caravan of
peace together with all the religious leader in the Country to bring about
awareness “crime and terror does not give us peace of mind and heart. This
world cannot be happier or develop if we are fighting each other” he said.
He however urged the government to take stern measures against the
perpetrators of the Garissa attack. “The government must take charge and
protect the people wherever they are in the whole country,” he said.
By Rose Achiego,
Waumini Communications Ltd, KCCB

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