UGANDA: New Vice-Chancellor of Uganda Martyrs University Installed

Installation ceremony of Rev. Prof. John Chrysostom Maviiri

The staff
and community of Uganda Martyrs University (UMU) on March 24, 2015 witnessed the
colorful ceremony of the installation of Rev Prof. John Chrysostom Maviiri as new
Vice-Chancellor (VC) of the University at the main Campus.

The ceremony
was presided over by the Chancellor of the University, Most Rev. John Baptist
Odama, who is also the Chairman of the Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC). 
Prof. Maviiri
takes over from Prof. Charles Olweny who retired in January this year after serving
the institution for eight years.
“I’m taking this
responsibility when the institution is 22 years-old. I have fully accepted the responsibilities
and I promise to do my best,” Prof Maviiri said after his installation adding
that “I will do my best to keep Uganda Martyrs University on high level and
will also turn our challenges into opportunities.”
He also
expressed gratitude towards the outgoing Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olweny for the wonderful
work during his tenure as a VC of the institution.
In his
speech, Archbishop Odama tasked Prof. Maviiri with the duty of taking UMU to a higher
level. He said, “Though corruption, drug addiction, abortion, unemployment
prevails in the country, the Vice-Chancellor, together with the management of
the university should be the watchdog of God and the country.”
He further
called upon Prof. Maviiri to inculcate in the students the norms, values and customs
of the Catholic Church as he performs his duties and responsibilities at the
The function
was attended by several dignitaries including the Archbishop of Kampala, Most
Rev. Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, the Bishop of Masaka, Rt. Rev. John Baptist
Kaggwa, the Bishop of Lugazi, Rt. Rev. Christopher Kakooza, the Bishop of Fort
Portal, Rt. Rev. Robert Muhiirwa, the retired Bishop of Fort-Portal, Rt. Rev.
Paul Kalanda, and the UEC Secretary General, Msgr. John Baptist Kauta.
Also present
at the event were priests, religious brothers and sisters from various
congregations and members of the laity including officials from the Central government.
Martyrs University was first led by Prof. Michel Lejuene from Belgium, who
handed over to Prof. Olweny from Tororo. 
Maviiri was ordained priest on November 29, 1981. He holds a PhD in Dogmatic
Theology from Urban University in Rome, among other credentials. He served as
the Vice-Chancellor of the Kenya-based Catholic University of Eastern Africa
(CUEA) from 2002 to 2011.


By  Juliet Lukwago, New Contact Magazine, UEC

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