AMECEA Online News Editorial: We are United in Prayers with the Kenyans

The AMECEA Online News has received with
shock of what has happened in the morning of  2 April 2015, (Holy Thursday) when gunmen stormed
the Garissa University College in Garissa, Kenya, killing at least 147 people,
and injuring 79 or more. Al-Shabaab, took responsibility for the attack. The
attackers separated students according to their religion; and that Muslims were
spared and killing those identified as Christians.

AMECEA Online News stands in solidarity
with the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops, the

Students Demonstrating in Nairobi denouncing the attack

Kenyan Government, the
Diocese of Garissa and the citizen of Kenya in condoling with the families of
the massacre that took place at University of Garissa.  We pray that the Lord gives the families and
their loved ones the strength to overcome your grief and continue to show God’s
love without prejudice of race, color, religion, or ethnic background.

the same breadth we would wish to strongly condemn this unjust, ungodly and
inhumane behavior that was meted on innocent youth.  There is no joy, nor glory in spilling blood.
do call upon the duty bearers to start acting and act decisively.  We wish to call upon the governments within
the region as well as the international community to devise a common strategy
to stop this atrocity which is now getting roots in our region. There should be
a renewed sense of urgency to deal with these vices of radicalization and
marginalization according to Faith.  With
this sort of attacks, it is not only Kenya that bleeds, but also the entire
is also time for those who are charged with leadership to come out and show
direction to the broken social fabric of society and the declining religion
tolerance.  We would like to challenge the
leaders in the affected areas of our region to beseech their communities to
provide information to authorities so as to avoid deaths both of innocent
persons and also of youth who know no better because of radicalization. 
would wish to also raise the concern of small weapons.  We are not doing enough to stem the access of
weapons in the region.  The international
community and the governments in the region need to look into tackling the
supply of arms since this will be a sure way to reduce the amount of bloodshed
within this region.  Preventing access to
weapons will prevent wanton death. Security of our people must be our major
of us within the region have to be vigilant and willing to stand for what is
just and right.  We have to consistently be
aware of the danger posed by persons of ill intent.  Keeping each other in safe has to become our
clarion call.
again we send our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families, friends and
Kenya as a country, as we call for a stronger response from governments within
the region and support of the international community to end the problem.
By AMECEA Online News Editor

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