ZAMBIA: Stand Up for your Faith! Bishop Lungu Urges Students; Strategizes on having a Specific Youth Program for his Diocese

The Bishop
of the Catholic Diocese of Chipata in Zambia, Rt. Rev. George Zumaile Lungu has
asked the youth to stand up firm for their Faith as he plans to establish a
specific program for the youth in order to involve them in the life and activities
of the Church. 
Bishop George Lungu of Chipata Diocese addresses 
Catholic Students at Chipata Teachers Training College
over one hundred Catholic students as guest of honor during their general
meeting at Chipata Teachers Training College on 22nd March 2015, under
the theme: “Stand up for your Faith;” Bishop Lungu said that the majority
of young people do not feel as part and parcel of the Catholic fraternity.
Bishop Lungu
said, “I feel that as a local Church we have sometimes left things to chance;
we will now try to have a systematic program for the youths, to listen to them
and share our faith with them.”
He went on
to say, “As a local Church we might not have done enough to address the
challenges the youths are going through. As a result; their faith becomes
weakened and to others tempted to join other Churches where they feel accepted
and well integrated.”
And recalling
the plea of Pope Francis to the Bishops to spend enough time with the youths,
Bishop Lungu said, “I promise that I will try my level best to be available to
you and to celebrate the Holy Eucharist with you more often.”
During the
same event, a students’ representative thanked the Bishop for finding time to
be with them and promised the Bishop that as Catholic students they will
endeavor to represent the Church well in the Colleges and Universities where
they are.
A section of Students participants during the annual meeting
He said they
are proud to be Catholics and they will always remain proud members of the
National Movement for Catholic Students, (NMCS) an umbrella body for all Catholic
students in the country.
The students
also requested the Bishop to have more Catechisms in the Catholic Universities
and Colleges within the Diocese of Chipata so that students are helped to grow
in their faith. A solid Christian formation will make their faith strong in
midst of attacks and criticism from their fellow students from other denominations
who don’t understand the Catholic faith. The students also suggested that they be
given appropriate room for a more active participation in the activities of the
By Fr. Jacob Zulu, Communications
Director, Diocese of Chipata, Zambia

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