ZAMBIA: Bishop Lungu Asks Women to be Saviors of One Another

Bishop George admiring peanut butter made by 
one of the women. 
Looking on is Deputy Permanent Secretary 
Eastern Province-Zambia and the Sisters

Bishop of
Chipata Diocese in Zambia Rt. Rev. George Zumaile Lungu, has asked women to be
saviors of one another if they are to improve their life economically.
Bishop Lungu
was speaking at a colorful ceremony to mark International Women’s Day at
DMI-St. Eugene University in Chipata Town on 20th March 2015; the day
the diocese was celebrating the International Women’s Day instead of 8th
March which was a public  holiday in
“Gone are
the days when most women waited for their husbands to provide everything at
home. Today you women must lift each other out of poverty,” he said.
attributed the high levels of poverty among most women to lack of generosity
and cooperation among women. He urged the women to stand up and to be counted
among people who are progressive. He said that women were very generous people
because they shared whatever they acquired in life and they were always willing
to sacrifice on behalf of the family.
During the
occasion Bishop Lungu thanked the DMI Sisters from India for assisting many
women in the Diocese of Chipata with skills and knowledge to come up with
initiatives that have helped them become self-reliant and self-sustainable.
women are able to help one another, it has taken these Sisters from India to
come and help our women here in Chipata Diocese,” he said adding that he was aware
and happy about the fact that the sisters are helping not only Catholic women
but also those from other denominations.
Bishop George checking clothes made by some 
women with loan assistance from DMI-Sisters

The Bishop
expressed his appreciation to the DMI-Sisters for their cooperation and
partnership which with the diocese that has enabled them to run programs which
are assisting groups of women to run their businesses.

The women have
been assisted with skills, knowledge and loans to start businesses which were
show cased during the celebrations. A representative of the Women said she was
very grateful to the DMI Sisters for the assistance they rendered to her
because since then, her life has changed for the better.
She said
that by selling her products, she is now able to send her children to school,
being a single parent notwithstanding. She has even started building her own
house so that she can move out of the rented house.
International Women’s Day celebration for the diocese was celebrated under the
theme: “Gender my Agenda, make it happen.” Over 200 women participate in the
By Fr. Jacob Zulu Communications
Director, Diocese of Chipata, Zambia

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