SOUTH SUDAN: UN increases threat to sanction South Sudan political leadership

The United
Nations or UN Security Council on Tuesday, this week threatened sanctions
against “Senior individuals” in South Sudan for actions or policies
that jeopardize security and stability after failure to agree on peace deal.
The UN’s
reaction comes following the South Sudan’s warring leaders failed to reach a
deal to end more than a year of civil war with the latest collapse of peace
talks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
received from Ethiopia sometimes back stated that South Sudan’s President Salva
Kiir and rebel leader Riek Machar talks did not reach a peace agreement as
The Council
reiterated its intent to impose sanctions that may be appropriate to respond to
the situation, Reuters reported.
sanctions are expected to include arms embargo and the designation of senior
individuals responsible for actions or policies threatening peace, security and
stability of South Sudan.
The Council
underscored the essence of fighting impunity and ensuring accountability for
serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in South
Sudan, amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity.
SOURCE: CRN and Other Online News

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