ETHIOPIA: Secretariat Gets a New Executive ECC Director for Social and Development Commission

Mr. Bekele Moges, 
New Executive Director of
 Caritas Ethiopia
The Ethiopian Catholic Church
Social and Development Commission (ECC SDCO) also known internationally as
Caritas Ethiopia during its 16th General Assembly announced the
appointment of a new Executive Director.
Mr. Bekele Moges is appointed for
the position that until recently was held by the Secretary General of the
Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat (ECS), Rev. Fr. Hagos Hayish, C.M.  The General Assembly endorsed Mr. Bekele’s
appointment unanimously. He is the first lay person to hold the position.
On the occasion His Eminence Berhaneyesus
D. Cardinal Souraphiel C.M., Chairman of the General Assembly thanked Rev. Fr.
Hagos Hayish, C.M., who has devotedly served ECC SDCO for the last 8 years as
an Executive Director. Fr. Hagos will remain the Secretary General of ECS and
head over both the Pastoral and Development wings of the Secretariat.
Fr. Hagos said Mr. Bekele is
selected after a thorough screening of nominees. “Separating the Secretary
General and the Executive Director is a good move on part of the Church: of
which the development sector is growing steadily requiring somebody full time
dedicated to the task of the Commission”, he explained.
Tesfa Tadesse, auditor, Bekele Moges, Executive Director, H.Em. Cardinal Berhaneyesus, C.M., ECC SDCO General Assembly and BoD Chairman, Br. Belayneh Medhanit, BoD Member
He added, “Mr. Bekele is a good
choice as he meets the professional qualification and experience needed for the
position of Executive Director. Moreover, he has worked for the Catholic Church
for over 20 years and he is well in line with the working character of the
Caritas Network and other Church partners.”
The 16th General
Assembly approved the 2014 reports and 2015 annual plans of the Commission. It
was stated that the services of the Church are growing not only in terms of
types and number of projects but also new ways and creative ways of
implementation that are increasing the community’s participation and sense of ownership
of the projects.
The Church in Ethiopia is present
throughout the country serving the most vulnerable part of the society with
various social activities like education, health, food security, WASH, Women
and Family to mention few.
Makeda Yohannes; ECC – Social Communications and Public Relations Officer

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