KENYA: Vatican Embassy Celebrates Pope’s Anniversary

Embassy has celebrated the Second Anniversary of Pope Francis in the event that took place at the
Apostolic Nunciature’s Office in Manyani West Road, in Nairobi
on 13th March 2015.
The event which
began after midday was attended by Government officials, Ambassadors, High
Commissioners, Heads of Missions and members of the diplomatic Corps, Bishops,
Priests, Religious and Laity.
Speaking to
the congregation The Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan, His Excellency Archbishop
Charles Daniel Balvo said two years have passed since the Cardinals gathered in
Conclave – including the Archbishop of Nairobi, His Eminence John Cardinal Njue
– and elected as the successor of Saint Peter one among them, who took the name
Francis, a name which evokes the image of the man from Assisi, associated with
a love for all created things as well as for simplicity in life.
“This year
also marks the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
relations between the Holy See and the Republic of Kenya, which took place on
12 November 1965,” he said adding that “The relationship between the Holy See
and Kenya is older, since a representative of the Pope, known as an Apostolic
Delegate, began residence in Mombasa, in 1930, before moving to Nairobi, in
October 1959. The status of the mission was changed six years later, from
Apostolic Delegation to Apostolic Nunciature, with the establishment of
diplomatic relations.”
Invited guest at the Apostolic Nunciature in Nairobi Kenya
He said that
Pope Francis has attracted his share of attention during this past year, not
the least for his ‘off the cuff’ remarks, some of which have raised a few
eyebrows, both within the Catholic Church as well as in society at large. “These
have often been made when the Holy Father has been engaged in close interaction
with people, often on the occasion of his pastoral visits,” he said adding that
“The emphasis on personal contact, as a means of communicating his message –
the joy of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus – is one of the most important
features of the way in which Pope Francis exercises the office to which he was
Balvo spoke of Pope Francis as a person who is very much at ease in crowds and
his desire to be close to people. “I am sure, he has given not a few headaches
to those responsible for his security,” he said.
The Apostolic
Nuncio commended President of Kenya, His Excellency Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, and his
Deputy President, Mr. William Ruto and the people of Kenya for harmony, the
gifts of peace and well-being in the country.
Speaking at
the event His Eminence John Cardinal Njue said that he still have the memories
of what has happened during the conclave in which he participated. He thanked
the Apostolic Nuncio for organizing the event and asked him to send their best
regards to the Holy Father.
Reading the
Government statement from President Uhuru Kenyata, Senator Beatrice Elachi said
that it was a great honour to join the Apostolic Nuncio on that auspicious
occasion on behalf of the Government and the people of Kenya to celebrate the 2nd
anniversary of the election of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Papacy. “As we
observe this historic day, I note with satisfaction the close and fruitful
relations that happily exist between Kenya and the Holy See,” read the
statement from the President.
Holiness Pope Francis is known and respected for his humility and commitment to
address the concerns of the poor and the marginalized around the world. He has
provided powerful examples in this regard for others to emulate, Kenya and the
Holy See, under the Pope’s stewardship are indeed united in our goals of
championing dialogue and peace, respect for human dignity and rights and the
promotion of social justice,” read the statement adding that “We look forward
to continued cooperation and stronger ties between the Government of Kenya and
the Holy See.”
president wished the Holy Father Good Health and long life.
By Fr Chrisantus Ndaga;
Communication Office, AMECEA

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