KENYA: Resolutions and Recommendations of the 3rd Conference on Peace and Cross Border Evangelization

Inter-diocesan Peace and Cross Border Evangelization initiative held its 3rd
Conference from 6th to 10th December 2014 in Lodwar under the theme:
“Collective Responsibility: Peace Across All Borders”. The conference was attended by Bishop Dominic Kimengich of Lodwar, County Government leaders, representatives from collaborating dioceses and leaders of other religious groups, they focused on approving the Five Year Strategic Plan to embark on connector projects for the region. At the end of the meeting, the following were the approved resolutions and recommendations.

1.      This Conference resolves to advocate for disarmament of the civilian population at all levels (family, village, region and nation), and will endeavour to convince the respective Episcopal Conferences to lobby their National Governments to implement this, even unilaterally.
2.      This Conference resolves to demand from the respective national governments to exercise their mandate to fully protect the population and their property, particularly during and after the disarmament process.
3.      This
Conference resolves to mandate the Executive Committee to engage proactively
with all peace actors in the region, in order to coordinate plans and
4.      This
Conference resolves to execute programmes and plans to eradicate the excessive
intake of alcohol, especially amongst members of conflicting groups, since it
has been identified as a major contributor to the perpetration of violence.
5.      This
Conference resolves to adopt in full the just approved Pastoral and
Developmental Five Year Strategic Plan and strive to implement it.
6.      This
Conference resolves to embrace the “Hybrid Approach” in the implementation of
peace building activities.
1.      This
Conference recommends its members to involve the inducers, the perpetrators and
the victims of violence when they organize their activities, rather than just
discussing issues with the innocent.
2.      This
Conference recommends the involvement of the relevant members of the government
administration and political leaders in specific peace building activities.
3.      This
Conference recommends that all its members concentrate their efforts in being
faithful to peace building and evangelization rather than just completing
4.      This
Conference recommends, as our specific contribution from a Faith based
approach, that all members seek the personal transformation of those who are in
conflict as a long lasting solution.
5.      This
Conference recommends its members to deepen their commitment to the peace
processes they are engaged in, and to create lasting networks of peace builders
in their areas.
6.      This
Conference recommends all our delegates to immediately make use of the human
and material resources as well as social assets locally available to achieve
the goal of peace.
The Bishops of the dioceses of Lodwar, Kitale, Nakuru (Kenya), Kotido, Moroto (Uganda), Torit (South Sudan) and Gimma Bonga (Ethiopia) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate in promoting cross border peace and evangelization in Karamajong – Turkana cluster.
People in this arid region have been affected by wars, insecurity, underdevelopment, high levels poverty, cattle rustling and inadequate social services. The Inter-Diocesan Peace and Cross Border Conference was initiated in order to promote collaboration in enhancing integral evangelization among neighboring dioceses in the region.
SOURCE: Fr. Febian Pikiti Mulenga, AMECEA
Pastoral Department

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