KENYA: AMECEA is Committed to the Promotion of Peace and Cross Boarder Evangelization in Turkana Region

Fr. Febian Pikiti, Coordinator 
AMECEA Pastoral Department
The AMECEA Bishops are committed to supporting the
pastoral collaboration aimed at promoting Peace and Cross Border Evangelization
in the Karamajong – Turkana cluster.
Speaking on Behalf of AMECEA Secretary General, Very Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Lugonzo, at the 3rd Conference for Peace and Cross Border Evangelization in Lodwar on Sunday 7th December AMECEA Pastoral Coordinator Fr. Febian
Pikiti Mulenga said that the Conference is a real expression of the principle objectives for which AMECEA was founded in 1961: “To promote close Apostolic communion among Bishops, solidarity and collaboration in ministering to the People of God, and to promote integral evangelization by responding to the arising pastoral needs of the People of God.”
Fr. Pikiti expressed gratitude to Bishop Dominic
Kimengich of Lodwar Diocese and other Bishops involved, for initiating this
pastoral collaboration which is aimed at promoting Peace and Cross Border
Evangelization among the People of God in the region.
He said that people in this marginalized region have
continued to suffer for too long and he said the presence of delegates from
different sectors of society is significant so that they map out a common agenda
for lasting peace among the people in the region.
In order to emphasise that peace is important to
guarantee integral human development, Fr. Pikiti referred to the teachings of
Pope Paul VI, in the Encyclical Populorum
, on the Development of Peoples saying, “There will be no peace without
development and there will be no development unless there is peace”.
“This task of peace building across borders is neither the aptitude of the Church, nor governments, nor any group of the community. It is our collective responsibility,” he said.
He made an appeal to the delegate that “as leaders from various Churches, religious communities, organizations, civil authority and political affiliation. Unless we all commit ourselves to relentlessly promote peace across the ethnic boundaries of our people, integral development will be doomed and it will always spawn new conflicts and various forms of violence.”
He further said, “Since peace and development are faces of the same coin, it is only through meaningful distribution of the wealth of any society, equitable access to decent social services and integration of the marginalized communities into the main stream development activities of our countries that peace will be sustainable. If there is no development, there will be relative justice and peace among our people.”
Fr Pikiti concluded his message by assuring them that the AMECEA Secretariat will continue, on behalf of the Bishops, to play its collaborative role to ensure that the resolutions from the Conference are fully implemented.
The Conference was attended by Right Rev. Dominic Kimengich, the County Government Representatives, and delegates from participating dioceses of Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan, security personnel and representatives from donor agencies
SOURCE: Our Staff Reporter from Lodwar, AMECEA Social Communications

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