MALAWI: CCJP Says Mining Laws Silent on Corporate Responsibility

Mr. Chris Chisoni, CCJP National Secretary

The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) has faulted
the silence of mining company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR)
initiatives in the country’s laws governing the industry.
CCJP national secretary, Chris Chisoni in his paper presentation
to a three-day mining indaba in Lilongwe which was jointly organized by Action aid,
Norwegian Church Aid, Citizens for Justice, Tilitonse Fund and Centre for
Environmental Policy and Advocacy.
“Currently, there is no legal framework on corporate social
responsibility. For example, you see on television a company donating two bags
of beans to a community where it is doing some mining works. But after asking
the beneficiaries, you will find that the communities never asked for beans and
have their own development needs. We need proper guidelines on this,” said
Chisoni shared experiences from a civil society organization
Currently, Malawi’s main piece of legislation that governs the
mining sector is the Mines and Minerals Act of 1981, which is under review.
The Act is supported by the Petroleum Production and Exporting Act
of 1983 and the Explosives Act of 1968.
The industry is also regulated by the Mines and Minerals Policy of
2013 and the Environmental Management Policy of 2002.
“Access to potable water remains a challenge in places where most
foreign mining companies are doing their mining activities. In some of these
areas, communities are as they were in the days of Adam and Eve,” said Chisoni.
He warned that without clear guidelines on CSR in the mining
sector, Malawi is leaving to chance important components that could allow the
country to develop socially and economically.
Chisoni said CCJP knows of communities where cement production is
currently taking place but residents there travel some 100 kilometers to access
the product at an exorbitant price.
“We know some companies here in Malawi who are involved in mining
and that have even made communities poorer than before their mining activities.
The issue is that the markets must be controlled by the government so that
citizens benefit,” said Chisoni.
Spokesperson in the Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and
Mining, Mr. Levy Undi, said as it is now, not many countries have guidelines on
mining laws because mining laws in those countries already address the issues
By Prince
Henderson, ECM Communications Officer

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