KENYA: New Bishop for Kakamega Diocese Appointed

Rt. Rev. Joseph Obanyi Bishop-Elect of Kakamega, (Right)
 Msgr. Pius Rutechura, Vice Rector CUEA
 and Fr. Patrick Nyongesa Rector Bakanja College
The Holy
Father Pope Francis on December 5, 2014, appointed Rev. Fr. Joseph Obanyi Sagwe
as Bishop of the Diocese of Kakamega (Kenya). Until his appointment Father
Obanyi has been the Parish Priest at St. Charles Lwanga Cathedral Parish Kisii
as well as Vicar General of the Diocese of Kisii.
The Holy
Father on the same date accepted the resignation from pastoral care of the
Diocese of Kakamega (Kenya), presented by Rt. Rev. Philip Sulumeti, in
accordance with canon 401 Article 1 of the Code of Canon Law.
The Bishop-elect
was born in 1967 at Kebiro, in the Diocese of Kisii. After his primary and
secondary education, he attended courses in philosophy at the Saint Augustine Mabanga
Seminary in 1990-1991. He studied Theology at Saint Thomas Aquinas Major
Seminary in Nairobi between 1992 and1995.
He was
ordained a priest for the Diocese of Kisii on 25th October 1996.
After his ordination, he served as Parish Vicar and diocesan Coordinator for
Pastoral Care between 1996 and 1999.
Between 1999
and 2004 he was a student at the Pontifical Lateran University.
Upon his
return in 2004, he became the Parish priest at Kisii Cathedral and in 2005,
Vicar General of the Diocese of Kisii.
Source: VIS and Agencia Fides

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