TANZANIA: The Gift and Blessing of Marriage Cannot be Taken Away by the Existing Challenges-BishopFrancis A. Kibira

Bishop Francis Kibira
Bishop Francis
A. Kibira of Kasese Diocese, Uganda has said that the gift and blessings of
marriage and family life cannot be taken away by the challenges that many
marriages and families face in today’s life.
The Bishop said
this in his homily when he led the Eucharistic Celebrations on Friday 28th
with the delegates of the conference to revive the Council of the Laity in
Eastern Africa (COLEA) whose theme isMarriage and Family Life and the Future of
the Church and Society
which is going on in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
“Despite the
fact that in today’s society, marriage and family life is threatened by so many
challenges, yet the special blessing that comes with the sacrament of marriage,
the gift of marriage and family life cannot be taken away because of that,” he
said adding that “I therefore urge you to emulate Jesus Christ, to look for Him
and make Him the center of your marriages and family.”
The Bishop
said that many couples often fail to realize that Christ is a special bond that
binds/unite marriages and families and the strength of that bond depends on how
they base their faith and trust on Him. “Many couples turn to other things when
challenges arise in marriages and families and fail completely to turn to Christ,
this shouldn’t be the case,” he said.
He advised
that Christ should be the center of every marriage and family life and that He
is the solution to all problems that exist in marriages.
Source: Pamela Adinda, AMECEA
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