KENYA: The Catholic Church in Kenya Launches the Year of the Consecrated Life

HE John Cardinal Njue

The Catholic
Church in Kenya on 27thNovember 2014, launched the Year of the Consecrated
Life which was declared by His Holiness Pope Francis to begin on 30thNovember
2014 and to end on 2ndFebruary 2016 under the theme “Wake up to wake up the world”.
Leading the
Catholic faithful in the launching of the year at Resurrection Garden Nairobi,
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue called on the consecrated men and women to
reflect deeply and rejuvenate their mission of evangelization to be able to
continue serving God.
“Our dear
consecrated men and women, we know that your work in the harvest of the Lord
has not always been easy given the challenges you are facing today because of
the decline in vocations in the religious life, we know that some of you are
struggling with issues that make you doubt the future of your congregation in
particular and in general of the consecrated life, many the word of the lord
bring you the consolation you need in the journey towards the kingdom,” said
Cardinal Njue.
He said the
year has been provided for the consecrated life 
by the Holy See as a time for intense reflection regarding the way they
have been faithful to the religious life which they profess  to live, given as individual religious to
re-examine themselves  and to re-visit
their dedication.
Njue said that the mission of evangelization calls for total dedication,
commitment and selflessness. He further said that the Catholic Church through
its institutions lead by the Kenya conference of Catholic Bishops, Tangaza
College and CUEA will organize activities that will enable the religious people
to re-energize.
Speaking at
the same time, the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan His Excellency
Charles D. Balvo appreciated the work that the religious Sisters, Brothers and Priests
do. He said that he has seen the real commitment and dedication in service that
the consecrated men and women offer, saying they have always been in the central
part of the community.
He said that
visiting the Dioceses in Kenya and South Sudan, he has seen great sacrifice
they give to God and the people,thanking them for all that they do. He reminded
them that it was a special time to renew their commitment, dedication to the
charism to which they made a promise in their lives, wishing them Lord’s
continuous strength to remain faithful.
The launch
was also attended by Chairman for the Commission for clergy and Religious, Rt.
Rev Anthony Ireri Mukobo, Rt. Rev Alfred Rotich, Nairobi Auxiliary Bishop Rt.
Rev David Kamau, Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Ag.
Secretary General Fr. Daniel Rono, Priests, Brothers and Sisters from different
Congregations. The theme of is year’s theme is “Wake up to wake up the world”.
Source: Rose Achiego, Waumini
Communications KCCB

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