ETHIOPIA: Bishops’ Conference is Celebrating the Golden Jubilee Year

Fr. HaileGabriel Meleku

Ethiopian Catholic Bishops’ Conference is celebrating the Golden Jubilee Year
which was officially inaugurated on the 26th April 2014 by Eucharistic
celebrations presided over by the president of the Bishops’ conference, Most
Rev. Berhaneyesus D. Souraphiel, Archbishop of Addis Ababa.
Speaking to AMECEA Online News in Dar-es-salaam, the
National Pastoral Coordinator Fr. HaileGabriel Meleku, OFM Cap. said that the
decision to have a one year jubilee celebrations was made in December 2013,
during the 33rdPlenary Assembly of the Bishops Conference of
Episcopal Conference of Ethiopia was established in May 1964, exactly from May
11th to 16th 1964,” said Fr. Gabriel.
A committee
chaired by the Rt. Rev. Tsegaye Keneni, Apostolic Vicar of Soddo was
established by the conference to oversee the celebrations which are already
underway in all dioceses.
A symposium has
been organized to take place from 3rd-5thDecember.“We
consider it a very important event, where the conference intends to showcase
presentations on eleven papers concerning various issues such as formation of
agents of evangelization; the role of Catholic schools as well as exhibiting
history of the conference,” Fr. Gabriel explained.
presentations at the symposium will give us opportunity to evaluate the history
of the Bishops’ conference as well as the role of Bishops’ conference; the life
of the Catholic Church in Ethiopia as well as assessing the pastoral letters of
the Bishops and revisiting the guidelines on education, health and other
integral developments in the past 50 years,” he added.
After the
symposium the conference plans to publish a handbook of the proceedings which
will be launched at the end of the Jubilee celebrations and be made available
for all.The climax of the Golden Jubilee celebrations will be held on 26thJuly
“50 years of
the Bishops’ conference means a blessing for the country; at the beginning,
there were only six Bishop, but currently we have 13 bishops, in a country
where Catholic Population is only 1%,” Fr. Gabriel said adding that “The number
of dioceses have also grown.”
According to
Fr. Gabriel, the activities of the Catholic Church in Ethiopia are numerous and
benefiting all Ethiopian regardless of religion or denomination.
Source: Pamela Adinda, AMECEA
Social Communications

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