TANZANIA: Bishops of AMECEA Pledge to Make Lay Apostolate a Priority

Bishop Philip Anyolo, Chairman 
AMECEA Pastoral Department

Chairman of AMECEA Pastoral Department Rt. Rev. Philip Anyolo on behalf of
AMECEA Bishops expressed commitment to the revival of the Council of Laity of
Eastern Africa (COLEA).
the participants at the opening ceremony of COLEA in Dar-es-salaam, Bishop
Anyolo said, “As your Shepherds, we, the Bishops of AMECEA, pledge our
commitment to making formation of the lay people, a pastoral priority.”
Amid calls
from the participants to come up with strategies that would strengthen family
life, Bishop Anyolo who is also the ordinary of the Diocese of Homa bay Kenya said
that the family is indeed the sanctuary of life. “It is in the family where
life is received, nurtured and raised to its maturity. In fact, the future of
the world and of the Church passes through the family, which is the fundamental
cell of society,” he said.
Anyolo challenged the participants to remember that they are on the frontiers
of evangelization and have the mandate to cause the Church to be present in the
world. “You are the salt of the earth and
the light of the world
,” he said.
He explained
that Pope Benedict XVI, in Africae Munus,
says, “The laity are called to activity in the political, economic,
cultural and social fields. They must be equipped with a good knowledge of the
Social Doctrine of the Church, which can provide them with principles for
acting in conformity with the Gospel” (AMI28).
Speaking at
the same event, Rt. Rev. Telesphor Mkude, Bishop of Morogoro Tanzania, pointed
out that today the family is experiencing very difficult times that require
Church’s compassion and understanding.
He said that
the recently concluded Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Pastoral
Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization, convoked by Pope
Francis came at the very right time.
He said that
some of the challenges facing the family and which need to be urgently
addressed include widespread cohabitation which does not lead to marriage and
family; homosexuality; presumption that the marriage bond can be temporary and
lack of faith in the sacrament of Marriage.
The workshop
on revival of council of the laity in Eastern Africa will be concluded on
Saturday 30th.  A total of 60
participants are attending the conference.
Source: Pamela Adinda, AMECEA
Social Communications, Dar es salaam, Tanzania

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