TANZANIA: Bishop Rwoma Decries the Plight of Chidren in the Society today

Bishop Method Kilaini

The Bishop Chairman
of the Laity Council in the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC), Rt. Rev.
Bishop Desiderius Rwoma said that ever-increasing problem of street children is
becoming a major challenge of the present society.
In his
message delivered on his behalf by Rt. Rev Method Kilaini, Auxiliary Bishop of
Bukoba at the opening of the AMECEA Conference of the Laity on 26th November
2014, Bishop Rwoma said that having nobody that cares for them, deprives them the
opportunities for schooling and they end up in child labour.
labour can also enslave them and some of the girls end up with immoral businesses,”
he said adding that “We could say poverty is the major problem of these all but
the increasing of street children and child labour can also be ingrained in the
social – cultural and economic structures of societies.”
Bishop Rwoma
outlined other challenges facing the Church and the society at large. These includes
over – indulgence in alcohol and drug addiction which impairs the capacity to think
and to manage family life; failure of parents to prepare a family budget which leads
children to end up in the worst forms of child labour and other immoral activities
due to lack of education;  “Sometime a
failure to prepare a family budget leads parents to treat their children as source
of income,” he said.
Bishop Rwoma
said that the best way is to help our people to be aware of this situation and
to build a civilised society which cannot countenance things like child
slavery, forced child labour, child trafficking, child prostitution, child
pornography, child soldiers and all other forms of hazardous and exploitative
work by children.
He passed a
word of thanks to families whose Catholic women are engaging in supporting
street children, fighting against Female genital mutilation (FGM), and
supporting Church Institutions like seminaries and houses of formation. “A word
of thanks also goes to families whose catholic men under guidance of” Unum
Omnes” are tirelessly funding construction, renovation of Churches,
Fathers and Sisters houses, and education of the youth in Seminaries, lay
institutions and houses of formation.
Bishop Rwoma
was grateful for AMECEA for granting Tanzania the honour to host this very
important conference which brought Lay leaders from AMECEA countries. “On
behalf of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (T.E.C.) and on behalf of the
Catholic Church in Tanzania, I welcome you all to our country,” he said adding
that “Please feel at home and enjoy the breeze of the Indian Ocean;  Karibuni sana!
SOURCE: Fr Chrisantus Ndaga,
AMECEA Social Communication  from Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania

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