ZAMBIA: Pope Urges Catholic Bishops of Zambia to Work With Politicians for Common Good

Pope Francis
has urged Catholic Bishops of Zambia to continue working with political leaders
for the common good.
Pope Francis
met the 11 Catholic Bishops from all the Dioceses in Zambia on Monday, 17th
November 2014 in the Vatican during their Ad Limina visit.
In the
meeting, Pope Francis said with the death of President Michael Sata, Catholic
Bishops in Zambia should continue working with political leaders for the common
“I invite
you to continue working with political leaders for the common good. You should
also deepen your prophetic witness in defense of the poor in order to uplift
the lives of the weak,” He said.
The Pope has
also said Catholic Bishops, as pastors of the flock, should not forget to seek
out the weakest members of Zambian society, among who are the materially poor
and those afflicted with HIV and AIDS.
The Pope
further noted that for the great majority of the poor have a special openness
to the faith and that they need God , Pastors must not fail to offer them God’s
friendship, blessing, word, the celebration of the sacraments and a journey of
growth and maturity in the faith.
“I encourage
you to remain sensitive as shepherds to the spiritual and human needs of your
closest co-workers. Never tire of being kind and firm fathers to your priests,
helping them resist materialism and the standards of the world, while
recognizing their just needs,” The Pope said.
The Holy
father has also appealed to Catholic Bishops in Zambia to continue to seek a
happy and fulfilling future in the Church and in society, despite great
challenges  which militate against
stability in social and ecclesial life, in particular for families.
“When family
life is endangered, then the life of faith is also put at risk.  As you yourselves have recounted, many,
especially the poor in their struggle for survival are led astray by empty
promises in false teachings that seem to offer quick relief in times of
desperation,” Pope Francis has said.
In his
remarks to the Bishops of Zambia currently in Rome, the Pope further said that
in difficult times like today, he is convinced that the weakening of family
bonds is particularly serious because the family is the fundamental cell of
“Where we
learn to live with others despite our differences and to belong to one another;
it is also the place where parents pass on the faith to their children. Be
solicitous whether in or out of season, by supporting the sanctuary of life
because it is the family that the Church’s well-being in Zambia must grow and
be fostered,” He appealed.
The Pope
also implored the Catholic Church in Zambia to affirm Catholic couples in their
desire for fidelity in conjugal life and yearning to provide a stable spiritual
home for their children, helping them to nurture the life of virtue in the
And Pope
Francis has urged the Catholic Bishops in Zambia to be close to young people as
they seek to establish and articulate their identity in a disorienting age.
“Help young
people to find their purpose in the challenge and joy of co-creation with God
that is the vocation to married life, fulfilled in the blessing of children; or
indeed in the celibate vocations to the sacred priesthood or religious life,
which the Church has been given for the salvation of souls,” Pope Francis said.
young Catholics by living lives of virtue to experience the liberating gift of
chastity as adults.  I pray that you will
foster ever greater cooperation with Zambia’s networks of active Catholic
youth, who can in turn lead many others into the Church’s family,” He
Ad Limina
visit is the pilgrimage that Catholic Bishops take after every five years to
the Vatican to present to the Pope the status of their dioceses and visit the
tombs of Saints Peter and Paul in Rome as a sign of
communion with the Apostles. This visit
also aims to show Bishops are in unison with the Pope who is the Successor of
St. Peter.
Source: ZEC Communication Office

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