ZAMBIA: Pope Francis Mourns President Sata

Pope Francis

Pope Francis
has sent message of condolences to the people of Zambia over the loss of the
President Michael Sata.

the public service that the president offered to the nation, I offer my
assurance of prayers for his eternal rest and I commend his soul to the
merciful God,” Pope Francis said.
The Holy
Father has also all Zambians to honour his (Sata) memory by promoting justice
and peace.
“Honour his
memory by promoting justice and peace so that as you are united in the loss so
you may be united in working together for the growth of the Country,” He said.
The Pope
said this in a speech read for him by Apostolic Nuntio to Zambia and Malawi,
His Excellency Jurio Murat at the funeral mass in Lusaka.
Archbishop of Lusaka, His grace Telesphore Mpundu who was the main celebrant at
the requiem mass of President Sata, appealed to upcoming leaders to embrace the
spirit of service to humanity for which the late President stood for.
Sata was buried on Tuesday 11th November 2014 at Embassy Memorial Park after
mass held at National Heroes stadium.

SOURCE: ZEC Communication Office

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