KENYA: Cardinal Turkson Challenges Africa to Formulate Visions that would Ensure Social Transformation in the Continent

HE Peter Cardinal Turkson (Left)
 and Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth
 at the Social Transformation
Conference Held in Nairobi Kenya

President of
the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace His Eminence Peter Cardinal Turkson
has challenged African leaders to formulate visions that would ensure social
Transformation for the continent.
Speaking on
Thursday 13th November, at the opening of a three-day Conference on
Social Transformation being held at Tangaza University College from 13-15
November, 2014 in Nairobi, Cardinal Turkson said that it is time for Africa to
formulate visions which can bring impact, promote and transform the lives of
the people in the continent.
Turkson observed that there is a lot of dreaming about African transformation
but probably the biggest expression of its character was when the African
leaders met in Japan on their program called ‘Tokyo International Devolvement
for Africa’ where the Foreign Minister for Germany said that the African
Transformation and Renaissance being talked about will not take place until
sons and daughters of Africa capture and formulate their vision for the
transformation of the continent and spearhead its movement.
Transformation and Africa renaissance capture the vision of not only religious
group or faith based groups but also politicians,” he said.
Citing NEPAD,
the New Partnership for Africa’s Development which many thought was the launch
for Africa Renaissance; Cardinal Turkson said it failed because “The
visionaries of NEPAD formulated the visions and the dimensions for which they
themselves failed to appreciate and did not commit themselves fully to.”
He therefore
advised that sons and daughters of this continent must become the protagonists
of social transformation.
The Cardinal assured the participants the commitment of
the Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace towards the process of Social
Transformation, which would be launched at the end of the three day conference.
speaking at the event, the Director of Inter-Religious Council of Kenya, Dr.
Francis Kuria who is the moderator of the conference said “We want our
societies transformed in a manner that brings out the best in us. And we have
called people from all faiths under the auspices of Tangaza University College
and the Catholic of Justice and Peace commission to seek ways in which we can
accomplish this task of social transformation.”
On Saturday
15th November H.E. Peter Cardinal Turkson was expecting to give his
Keynote address.
Source: Pamela Adinda, AMECEA
Social Communications

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