ETHIOPIA: Extract of the Chairman of AMECEA Presented at the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, Vatican October 5th – 19th, 2014

Most Rev. Berhaneyesus
D. Souraphiel
Most Rev. Berhaneyesus D. Souraphiel
CM, chairman of AMECEA and Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Abeba while giving
his presentation at the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, Vatican that took
place from October 5th – 19th, 2014, said that the
greatest gift which the Catholic Church and its Magisterium can give to our
region is to remain faithful to the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ that true
marriage is between a man and a woman, blessed by the sacrament of matrimony.
The following is the full text of
his presentation.
The Pastoral Challenges of the Family
External Pressures on the Family
Instrumentum Laboris Nos. 70 – 75
I speak on behalf of the Association
of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA) whose chairman I
have been elected by my brother bishops in our Plenary in Malawi in July 2014.
AMECEA is a regional association which comprises of eleven countries in Eastern
African and the Horn of Africa, together with Djibouti and Somalia as
affiliated members.
In these countries, God is the
source of all life. Therefore all love life. 
Families are the source of life and, as such, need to be loved and
respected. Motherhood is God’s gift to humanity. Children are therefore great
gifts to be cherished.
What distinguishes Catholic families
is that their marriage, once blessed by the sacrament of matrimony, is
indissoluble. This is both a source of spiritual pride and, at the same time, a
source of anxiety to remain faithful to the marriage bond.
The pastoral challenges that face
the Catholic families are:
Poverty: material poverty forces
husbands or wives to migrate within countries or go to neighbouring countries
or abroad, especially in the Arab world. This creates cracks in the marriage
2)     Migration is also linked to trafficking and also
dispersion of children, who most of the time spill over to become street children
and prone to be trafficked and abused.
HIV AIDS: a disease which creates
division in the family and frequently divorce. Usually, both parents are
affected and, sometimes both die, leaving children under the care of grandparents.
In order to strengthen Catholic
families in the region, the positive elements of traditional African family
values ( e.g. respect for life, love of children, respect of mothers, right
influence of the extended family, respect for elders, etc.) need to be taught
in schools, in parishes, and in institutions. Nowadays, because of the
onslaught of the mass media and internet technology, our positive traditional
values are being eroded and being replaced by cheap ones from elsewhere. For
example, the phenomenon of homosexuality and same-sex unions are being tried to
be imposed in our region as elements of “human rights”. Some organizations and
funding agencies are threatening the region that unless these “human rights”
are accepted, they will not give funds or will withdraw funds. The answer in
the region to such statements is “Keep your funds and money; we do not want
them”. Our poverty does not mean that we have no dignity. God will provide.
Many AMECEA martyrs died refusing to
give in to homosexual acts and opposing those who promoted it. They remained
faithful to the teachings of the pioneer missionaries who evangelized them. They
did not die in vain !
The greatest gift which the Catholic
Church and its Magisterium can give to our region is to remain faithful to the
teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ that true marriage is between a man and a woman,
blessed by the sacrament of matrimony. We shall continue to pray for Catholic
families. In spite of the many challenges and difficulties of married life,
there is also joy and happiness in Catholic families. There are saints in
family life: grandparents, parents, children, and even unborn children.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today,
and for ever !                                          
+Berhaneyesus D. Souraphiel CM
Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Abeba
President of the CBCE & Chairman of AMECEA
Extraordinary Synod on the Family, Vatican
October 5th – 19th, 2014.

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