MALAWI: ECM Bishops are in Rome for Ad Limina Visit

File Picture: Bishops of Malawi

The Catholic
Bishops from Episcopal Conference of Malawi, (ECM) accompanied by Fr. George
Buleya, the ECM Secretary General are in Rome for their Ad Limina visit, which started from 4th November and
expected to last until 12 November 2014.

According to
the program released by Fr. Buleya, on Thursday, 6th November the Bishops
were to Concelebrate Mass at the tomb of St. Peter, and later on were to hold
meetings with the Congregation for the Evangelization of People, where they were
to meet Cardinal Filoni, Archbishop Hon SDB and Fr. Wojda SAC.
On the same
day in the afternoon, the Malawi Bishops were to meet with Archbishop Paglia, Bishop
Laffitte and Mgr. Simon Vazquez from the Pontifical Council for the Family.
“A possible
meeting with the Holy Father is scheduled to take place on mornings of Friday, 7th
and 8th November.  On the
afternoon of 7th November, the Bishops were going to meet with Bishop
Galatino, Secretary General of the Italian Bishops Conference. And on 8th
November afternoon, the Bishops were going to meet with authorities at the Congregation
for the Doctrine of Faith, and later on, the Sisters of St. Peter Claver,”said
Fr Buleya.
important meetings that the Malawi Bishops will hold include the meeting with
the Congregation for Catholic Education, Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue,
Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace, Supreme Tribunal of the Segnatura Apostolica and the Pontifical
Council for Health Care.
Source: Prince Henderson-ECM
Communications Officer

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