KENYA: KCCB Calls for Equitable Distribution of Resources to Curb Insecurity in the Country

H.E. John Cardinal Njue during a previous press conference
The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops KCCB has
called on the government of Kenya to ensure equitable distribution of resources
to curb the rising cases of insecurity in the country.
In a press statement read to journalists, on 6th
November 2014 in Nakuru town, where they are meeting for their Ordinary Plenary
Assembly the Bishops stated that one major cause of rampant insecurity in parts
of this country is inequitable development. “It is regrettable, that despite 50
years of independence, some parts of this country have not seen meaningful
development, with no roads, no schools and other essential social services,” read
the statement.
“We reiterate that peace and development are
inseparable: there can be no peace without development; and no development
without peace. To ensure lasting security in the country, it is imperative that
the Government ensures that National resources and services are equitably
distributed,” read the statement.
The call comes at the backdrop of the killing of 19 administrative police officers and three
civilians during an attack on Saturday 1st November, at Karasani,
north of Kapedo along the Turkana-Baringo border.
The Bishops also urged the government to ensure that
all disputed boundaries in the country are
clearly demarcated to stem simmering tensions between counties over newly
discovered mineral resources.
the Bishops also expressed their disappointment at the government concerning
the tetanus Vaccine which they said were laced with Beta-HCG hormone, which is
a form of contraceptive.
“On March 26, 2014 and October 13, 2014, we met the
Cabinet Secretary in-charge of health and the Director of Medical Services
among others and raised our concerns about the Vaccine and agreed to jointly
test the vaccine. However the ministry did not cooperate and the joint tests
were not done,” the statement said.
“The Catholic Church struggled and acquired several
vials of the vaccine, which we sent to four unrelated Government
and private laboratories in Kenya and abroad. We want to announce here, that all
the tests showed that the vaccine used in Kenya in March and October 2014 was
indeed laced with the Beta- HCG hormone,” the statement further said.
Expressing their shocked at the level of dishonesty
and casual manner in which such a serious issue is being handled by the
Government, the Bishops said in the same statement that they shall not waver in
calling upon all Kenyans to avoid the tetanus vaccination campaign laced with
Beta-HCG, because they are convinced that it is indeed a disguised population
control programme.
Source: Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Social

The following is the full text of the statement of
the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Stand by
the Truth (John 8: 32)
Dear Christians, fellow Kenyans and all people of
good will, we, the Catholic Bishops in Kenya, meeting at St. Mary’s Pastoral Centre
in Nakuru, greet you in the name of Our Lord.
During our weeklong Ordinary Plenary Assembly, we
have taken stock and reflected deeply on the state of the nation and have
identified the following issues of great concern:
  1. 1.
As we gathered to start our meeting, we received
the sad news of the killing of scores of security officers at Kapedo and other
areas in the northern frontier. The horrific event is a sad reminder of the
state of the alarming level of insecurity in our country, and only the latest
in a series of events across the country in which many Kenyans have lost their
We share the pain of the families and friends who
have lost their dear ones. It is sad, that despite many promises that come
after such catastrophes, nothing gets done and the same tragic cycle is
repeated soon thereafter.
For example, the Government promised stern action
after Kenyans lost their lives in Lamu County. To date, only two people have
been taken to court.
How many more Kenyans, including security officers,
must lose their lives before real order is restored? We now want to state
categorically, that time has come for less talk and more action.
One major cause of rampant insecurity in parts of
this country is inequitable development. It is regrettable, that despite 50
years of independence, some parts of this country have not seen meaningful
development, with no roads, no schools and other essential social services.
We reiterate that peace and development are
inseparable: there can be no peace without development; and no development
without peace.
To ensure lasting security in the country, it is
imperative that the Government ensures that National resources and services are
equitably distributed.
At the same time, the Government must ensure that
all disputed boundaries in the country are clearly demarcated to stem simmering
tensions between counties over newly discovered mineral resources.
We are deeply concerned about clear lapses in our Government’s
security response mechanisms. News that the slain officers at Kapedo appealed
for backup and no response was forthcoming for more than 30 hours, is a clear
indication that there are dangerous gaps in our security apparatus, and that
there is an urgent need for overhaul.
This is not the first time that we are raising this
issue with the Government.
  1. 2. The
    Tetanus Vaccine
Dear Kenyans, due to the direction the debate on
the ongoing Tetanus Vaccine campaign in Kenya is taking, We, the Catholic
Bishops, in fulfilling our prophetic role, wish to restate our position as
  1. The
    Catholic Church is NOT opposed to regular vaccines administered in
    Kenya, both in our own Church health facilities and in public health
  1. However,
    during the second phase of the Tetanus vaccination campaign in March 2014,
    that is sponsored by WHO/UNICEF, the Catholic Church questioned the
    secrecy of the exercise. We raised questions on whether the tetanus
    vaccine was linked to a population control program that has been reported
    in some countries, where a similar vaccine was laced with Beta- HCG
    hormone which causes infertility and multiple miscarriages in women.
  1. On
    March 26, 2014 and October 13, 2014, we met the Cabinet Secretary
    in-charge of health and the Director of Medical Services among others and raised
    our concerns about the Vaccine and agreed to jointly test the vaccine.
    However the ministry did not cooperate and the joint tests were not done
  2. The
    Catholic Church struggled and acquired several vials of the vaccine, which
    we sent to four unrelated Government and private
    laboratories in Kenya and abroad.
  1. We
    want to announce here, that all the tests showed that the vaccine
    used in Kenya in March and October 2014 was indeed laced with the Beta-
    HCG hormone.
  1. On
    13th of October 2014, the Catholic Church gave copies of the results to
    the cabinet secretary and the Director of Medical Services. The same was
    emailed to the Director of Medical Services on October 17, 2014.
Based on the above grounds, we, the Catholic
Bishops in Kenya, wish to State the following:
  1. That
    are shocked at the level of dishonesty and casual manner in which such a
    serious issue is being handled by the Government.
  1. That a
    report presented to the Parliamentary Committee on Health November 4, 2014
    by the Ministry of Health, claiming that the Government had tested the
    Vaccine and found it clean of Beta- HCG hormone, is false and a
    deliberate attempt to distort the truth and mislead 42 million Kenyans.
  1. That we
    are dismayed by attempts to intimidate and blackmail medical professionals
    who have corroborated information about the vaccine, with threats of
    disciplinary action. We commend and support all professionals who have
    stood by the truth.
  1. That we
    shall not waver in calling upon all Kenyans to avoid the tetanus
    vaccination campaign laced with Beta-HCG, because we are convinced that it
    is indeed a disguised population control programme.
  1. 3.
    Corruption and National Values
Dear Kenyans, we mourn the persistence of chronic
corruption in all sectors of society-from the national police recruitment
exercise that was nullified due to corruption concerns, national examinations
whose integrity has been lost, land grabbing, missing land and court files, and
disturbing reports of misappropriation of public resources.
We shall not get tired of reminding the Government
and all Kenyans, that corruption is a cancer that is swiftly eating into every
part of our society; one that is robbing our children of their legacy. Unless
there is a united front against this vice, we will lose our Nation to forces of
  1. 4.
Dear Kenyans, and people of good will, We, the
Catholic Bishops in Kenya, urge you to remain prayerful and vigilant. We want
to assure you, that we shall not tire of reminding the Government of its
constitutional mandate to you, dear Kenyans, to protect lives and provide basic
services-that is our pledge to you.
May the Lord guide you and keep you safe now and
forever more.
November 6th, 2014
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue
Chairman-Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops

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