TANZANIA: PMS Organizes a National Conference for Children

More than 2500 children member of the
Pontifical Society of Holy Childhood from all the dioceses in Tanzania, are expected
to attend the Conference which will start from 11th to 16th
June, 2014 in the Diocese of Tunduru Masasi. 

According to the event organizer who
is also the Director of the Pontifical Missionary Societies (PMS) of Tanzania
Episcopal Conference (TEC), Fr Jovitus Mwijage, the preparations for the Conference
have been completed to a large extent.  He said that all the security details have
been put in place to ensure that security is maintained at all the times.  
He said that the Conference aims at
teaching children how to grow and mature in faith.  Fr Mwijage said this is taken as part of the
training to make children become missionaries to their fellow children inside
and outside the Catholic Church. “In order to achieve to this goal, parents
should also join us first by allowing their children to attend the Conference
then allow them to participate in other Church activities,” he said. 
The organizing committee of the Conference
has prepared some topics, including “child and faith; children and the effects
of globalization; and children and Sacrament. Other topic include children’s
rights and their responsibilities for parents and their formators; the role of
parents and formators in child care; children and the lives of saints; children
and the missionary apostolate; and how children can become responsible of
Concerning the details and logistics
of transport to Tunduru Masasi, which is in southern Tanzania, Fr Mwijage said
all the buses and cars which will be in the caravan will fly the Vatican flags,
a symbol of Pontifical Mission Societies. 
The closing Mass will be held at St.
Francis Xavery Cathedral and will be presided by the TEC President Bishop
Tarcisius Ngalalekumtwa . 
Fr Mwijage said the Conference will also
be attended by visitors/guests from Malta and Malawi. 
TEC holds a national Conference for
PMS children after every two years. This is the 4th time TEC is
organizing a national conference for PMS children. The first Conference was
held in Iringa Diocese, second was in Zanzibar and the last one, which was also
attended by PMS children from Kenya, was held in Mahenge Diocese in the year
SOURCE: TEC Communications Office

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