TANZANIA: Cardinal Pengo Asks Catholic Families to Emulate the Holy Family of Nazareth

The Archbishop
of Dar es Salaam H.E. Polycarp Cardinal Pengo has asked the Catholic Families
to emulate the values of the Holy Family of Nazareth.


Cardinal Pengo was speaking to thousands of Catholics faithful of the Archdiocese
of Dar es Salaam gathered at Pugu pilgrimage Centre on 25 May 2014 to
inaugurate the Year of the Family.  


During the Holy Mass which was also attended by Rt Rev Eusebius Nzigilwa and Rt
Rev Titus Mdoe, Auxiliaries of Dar es Salaam, Cardinal Pengo said that
husbands should emulate the values of St Joseph, which is that of protecting the
Holy Family of Nazareth. “Failure to do that has resulted to so many glitches
that hurt the society,” he said adding that “The evils that we are experiencing
today are mainly caused by negligent Fathers/Husbands who ran away from their


“St Joseph obeyed the voice of God and listened to it carefully, that is
what fathers should do,” he said adding that “Sometimes the problems we are facing
in our families are left to happen because we do not want to listen to the
voice of God.”

The event was organized by the Association of Catholic Men (UWAKA). The
diocesan inauguration of the “Year of the Family” will be followed by
inaugurations of the same at Parish level which will start from June 8,

SOURCE: TEC Communication Office

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