KENYA: Catholic Media Houses Celebrate World Communication Day

Mr David Omwoyo, Director
KCCB Waumini Communication

Catholic Media Houses in Kenya will mark “World Communication’s Day”  festival on 1st June 2014 at the
Consolata shrine in Nairobi. 

received from KCCB Waumini Communication said this year’s celebrations which
kicked off on 30 May under the theme:  “Communication at the Service of an
Authentic Culture of Encounter.”
media houses participating in this year’s event are: Radio Waumini, Paulines
Publications Africa, The Seed, Don Bosco Beams, Ukweli Video Productions,
Catholic Information Services Africa (CISA) and the National Mirror.
festivals will include competition activities among Catholic sponsored primary
and secondary schools, Catholic learning institutions and youth groups in
various parishes. The activities for the first day will include poetry, song
and dance for the primary and secondary schools while the second day will
include film/radio production and photography for college and university students.
The three best performers will take home enormous prizes while each group
presented will receive a certificate of participation.
climax of the festivals will be on 1st June with a celebration of Holy Mass at
12.00 noon presided over by the Chairman of the Kenya Conference of Catholic
Bishops (KCCB), Commission for Social Communications, Rt. Rev. Martin Kivuva,
Bishop of Machakos.
SOURCE: KCCB Waumini Communications

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