TANZANIA: Apostolic Nuncio Challenges Priests not to be a Burden on the Shoulders of Bishops

The Apostolic Nuncio to Tanzania Most Rev Francis Padilla has warned
priests not to be a burden to bishops as they carry out their pastoral responsibilities
in the diocese. Using a well known parable of the Good Shepherd, he noted to
much applause, “that some sheeps are too heavy, and others are given to

Most Rev Damian Dallu

The Nuncio was addressing the faithful and the clergy of Songea
Archdiocese during the installation of Most Rev Damian Dallu as the new Archbishop
of Songea. The installation took
place at St. Mathias Mulumba Cathedral in
Songea on 18 May 2014, and was attended by hundreds of faithful from within and
outside the diocese.

Most Rev Padilla thanked Bishop Tarcisius Ngalalekumtwa for his
dedication and readiness to carry out the obligation as the Apostolic
Administrator of Songea. “I know it is not easy to run two dioceses while at
the same time you have other duties as President of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference
(TEC) and as Head of the St Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT),” he said.
Meanwhile, the Speaker of the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania
honorable Anna

Makinda, as the most senior government official in attendance
asked the faithful to work with Archbishop Dallu to foster development in their region.

“Poverty is not created by the government, it is largely due
to the laziness of people,” she said.
And giving his vote of thanks Archbishop Dallu asked for cooperation
among the faithful, priests, nuns for that they belong to one Church of Christ.
Finally, the Holy Father appointed Bishop Renatus Nkwande of Bunda Diocese as the
Apostolic Administrator of Geita Diocese which became vacant when Archbishop
Dallu moved to Songea Archdiocese.

Communications Office

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