SOUTH SUDAN: Random Shooting Damages Yei Diocesan Cathedral

Bishop Erkulano Lodu Tombe of Yei
Random gunshots by unidentified
soldiers and citizens on Friday that lasted for 30 minutes damaged Christ the
King Cathedral and the Parish Hall roofs of Yei Catholic Diocese.
Information received from South sudan said Yei Diocesan  Bishop, Rt Rev Erkulano Lodu
Tombe described the shooting as disorderly and a defilement of the government
He said the government told
soldiers to refrain from unnecessary shooting but they paid no attention to
their commanders.
Bishop Lodu condemned the
shooting in the town and asked the soldiers to keep orders and listen to their
Bishop Lodu described the act as
provocation to the society, warning that if the shooting of the Cathedral was
intentionally, it would be an offence against the people of God and the church.
The Catholic prelate questioned
why soldiers express their happiness by frightening citizens and defiling
He cautioned the army to be
careful because they are there to defend citizens not to frighten them and defycountry
Yei Deputy Mayor Silvano Ali said
the random shooting wounded one woman at the town.
Source: CRN

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