ZAMBIA: Bishop of Monze Installed

Hundreds of Catholics from various parts of
the country on 3rd May 2014 witnessed the

Rt. Rev. Moses Hamungole,
Bishop of Monze

Ordination and
Installation of Rt. Rev Moses Hamungole as new Bishop of Monze Diocese at St.
Vincent De Paul Parish in Monze District.

Bishop Hamungole’s consecration comes after
his appointment by Pope Francis on February 10, 2014 following the resignation
of Bishop Emilio Patriarca who administered Monze Diocese since 1999.
Before his appointment as Bishop of Monze,
Rt. Rev. Hamungole worked at the Vatican Radio in Rome and at the Social
Communications Department of AMECEA Secretariat in Nairobi.
Bishop Raymond Mpezele of the Diocese
of Livingstone who was among the co consecrator told the audience during his homily
that Bishop Hamungole’s appointment was God’s doing. He urged the faithful
gathered to support him in prayers so that he can be guided by the Spirit of
Delivering his farewell speech, the outgoing
Bishop Emilio Patriarca thanked the priests and parishioners of the Diocese of
Monze for their generous support during his reign. “What I have offered you is
by far less than what I have received from you because from you I experienced
to be loved by you all” he said.
Casting a vote of thanks Bishop Hamungole
thanked the Holy Father, Pope Francis for appointing him as a Bishop of Monze.
He asked the Apostolic Nuncio to Zambia and Malawi His Excellency Julio
Murat Bishops to send these words of gratitude to
the Holy Father. 
He also thanked Bishops Emilio Patriaca,
George Lungu and Raymond Mpezele who consecrated him and Most Rev Telesphor Mpundu
of Lusaka and his predecessors who supported him as a priest of the Archdiocese
of Lusaka. He asked all the faithful of the Diocese of Monze to plan together
and journey together.
The ceremony was attended by District
Commissioners from Southern Province, members of parliament, opposition
leaders, Bishops from across Zambia and Africa and delegates from the AMECEA
Social Communications

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