SOUTH SUDAN: Untold Suffering of more than Five Thousand Internally Displaced Persons, IDPs

More than
5,000 Displaced Persons are in serious condition in the area of Agok, near
Abyei, on the border between South Sudan and Sudan. These people, from Unity State
of Upper Nile region, are lacking shelter, food, medical care and other basic
One of the IDPs. Camps in South Sudan
Fr. Biong
Kuol, Assistant Parish Priest in Abyei told CRN on Saturday in an interview
that the situation of IDPs was very difficult, saying efforts made by faith based
organizations including Caritas proved inadequate given the huge influx of IDPs
from Dinam and Mayom areas, fleeing fighting between government forces loyal to
President Salva Kiir and rebels of former Vice President Riek Machar.
identified three open camps without shelters containing many IDPs. Fr. Kuol
appealed to government to intervene in the situation to save lives. He
criticised state actors for lack of care for innocent suffering people. Fr Kuol
urged state actors to have mercy of God upon the suffering nation.
The clash
between President Kiir and his former deputy has assumed an ethnic dimension.
Fr. Kuol has however denounced the political manipulation of ethnic groups,
pointing out that, in Abyei, the Dinka and Nuer have always lived peacefully
Violence and
ethnic tensions do not calm down in South Sudan, to the point that the Nuer
welcomed in the camps for displaced persons in the capital Juba have asked to
be moved to shelters in neighboring Countries for fear of reprisals since they
are regarded by the government as members of the insurrection.
Source: Agenzia Fides

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