KENYA: AMECEA and KCCB Mourn the Death of Archbishop Boniface Lele of Mombasa

Most Rev. Boniface Lele
Secretariat and the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) mourn the death of
Most Rev. Boniface Lele, Archbishop Emeritus of Mombasa, which happened
on 9th April 2014 at around at a Mombasa Hospital.
received from Waumini Communications, KCCB said Archbishop Lele suffered a
cardiac arrest.
message of condolences sent from AMECEA Secretary General Fr. Ferdinand Lugonzo, on
behalf of AMECEA Chairman, Most Rev Tarcisio Ziyaye, to the KCCB Chairman H.E. John
Cardinal Njue, said AMECEA Secretariat has received with grief and shock the news of the
death of Archbishop Boniface Lele. 
accepting God’s will in this painful event, we take this occasion to thank
the Almighty God for the gift of Archbishop Lele to the Catholic Church in Kenya
and the AMECEA region. We shall cherish the memories and good works of the late
Archbishop,” read the message adding that “May Almighty God grant his soul
eternal Rest.”
In the message of condolences
from the KCCB Chairman H.E John Cardinal Njue to Bishop Emmanuel Barbara,
Bishop of Malindi and Apostolic Administrator of Mombasa and to the Christians of
Mombasa, Cardinal Njue said “Archbishop Lele will be remembered by the conference for his
selfless service and commitment as a shepherd of the people of God entrusted under
his care. The
Conference is united with you and the Christian community of Mombasa during
this time of grief, we commend his soul to the merciful love of God and may the
good Lord grant him eternal rest.”
The Bishop
of Kitui Rt. Rev. Anthony Muheria who is the immediate predecessor of
Archbishop Lele in Kitui Diocese also expressed his sadness and shock towards
the demise of Lele saying, “It is with great sadness that I communicate to you the
news of the death of our beloved predecessor in the Diocese of Kitui,
Archbishop Boniface Lele.”
Muheria called on the Christians from the Diocese to pray for the soul of  the late
Archbishop Lele in gratitude for all the work he did in Kitui Diocese while he
was the ordinary. “Archbishop Lele was the first local priest in Kitui Diocese
together with Fr Peter Muema, and has been a father and a point of reference
for many priests and religious sisters and brothers in Kitui and certainly in
Mombasa,” he revealed.
Lele was born on 14th April 1947 in Kitui, Eastern Kenya. He was ordained a priest
of Kitui Diocese on 8th December 1974. He was appointed Bishop of Kitui on 2nd
February 1996.
Pope John
Paul II appointed him as Archbishop of Mombasa on 1st April, 2005 where he
served until 1st Nov 2013 when the Holy Father accepted his resignation on
health grounds according to paragraph 2 of article 401 of the Code of Canon
The funeral
ceremony has been scheduled for Tuesday 22nd April, 2014 at the Holy
Ghost Cathedral, Mombasa at 10.00am. 
Information received
from KCCB –Communication Office said the Cortege will leave Pandya Memorial
Hospital on 21st April, 2014, at 5.00pm, to the Holy Ghost Cathedral Mombasa
for Night Vigil Prayers at 6.00pm.
A book for condolences has been opened at the Holy Ghost Cathedral Mombasa, where Christians,
friends and relatives can deliver their messages of condolences. To honour
Archbishop Emeritus Boniface Lele’s simplicity and charity to the needy, there
will be no laying of flowers ceremony during his burial, instead mourners are
kindly advised to give their donations to designated charity homes through the
Holy Ghost Cathedral office.
SOURCE: Waumini Communication,

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