KENYA: KCCB Reacts Strongly Against the Marriage Bill Recently Passed in the Parliament

John Cardinal Njue

Conference of Catholic Bishop (KCCB) has asked Kenyan President, His Excellency
Uhuru Kenyatta not to assent to the Marriage Bill which was recently passed by parliament.
Parliament of Kenya last week passed the controversial amendments to the Marriage
bill allowing men to take on multiple wives without consulting their current
partners first.
A letter
from KCCB dated 26th March 2014 to the President and signed by Chairman-
Kenya Conference of Catholic BishopsH.E. John Cardinal Njue stated that “The
Catholic Church has on previous occasions been involved and has given its input
at the conceptualization stage and the development of a legislative Bill to
govern marriages in Kenya in the name of The Marriage Bill and went as far as
presenting our proposals for consideration by the National Assembly.”
“It has
been our expectation that the Catholic Church would subsequently be invited to
make presentations at the Parliamentary Committee stage of development of the
Bill into law. This has not come to be, as we are now perturbed to learn from the media that the
National Assembly passed the Bill and the same is now awaiting your assent into
law,” read the letter.
The letter which
was also copied to the Chairman; National Family Life Office Rt.
Rev. Salesius Mugambi went on
stating that “The Church plays a critical role in holding the society’s moral fabric
in place and marriage being the foundation of the very basic unit of societal
structure – the family, it is critical that a law governing the same reflects
societal values and morals which in turn reflect on the Country’s morality. The
participation and input of the Church in developing such a Marriage Law need
not gainsaying,”  adding that “It is the
Catholic Church’s view that the said Bill as passed contains clauses that are
against natural law and divine order and the Catholic Church feels aggrieved as
our proposals previously made and attached hereto were not considered.”
“The Catholic Church thus implores Your
Excellency not to assent to the Bill and indeed call for further and wider
consultations before your Excellency’s assent,” stated the letter.
On another
amendment which was also passed by the parliament was on Matrimonial Property:
This is not shared on a fifty basis in case of dissolution of marriage. According
to the amended matrimonial property bill 2013, the property will now be shared
according to the contribution made by each in the marriage an issue that was
opposed by women MPs.
The debate
on the bill degenerated into a battle between female legislators and their male
counterparts when it was brought to the floor of the House. During the voting,
female MPs stormed out of the session in frustration. Of the 349-member
parliament, 69 are women.
A cross
section of people interviewed by AMECEA Online News rejected the bill saying it
is weakening the government strategy to the fight against AIDS. “How do
you ensure faithfulness in polygamy?” one person asked.
SOURCE: Waumini Communications,
KCCB and AMECEA Social Communications Office

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