KENYA: ACWECA Prepares for Capacity Building Workshop

ACWECA Secretary General
Sr. Catherine (left) and Chair-lady
Sr. Margaret Aringo

The Association of Consecrated
Women in Eastern and Central Africa – (ACWECA) is preparing for Capacity
Building Workshop for its staff members to be held at Donum Dei, in Nairobi Kenya.
received from ACWECA Secretary General, Sr. Catherine Okari IBVM said that the
workshop will begin on Monday 31st March 2014 and will end 12 April
Sr. Okari further said the first
week of the training will be on Communication, and it will be held at the IBM
Labs at CUEA while the second week the participants will be trained Financial
Management, a course which will led by Corat Africa. The latter training will be
conducted at Donum Dei, Karen.
SOURCE: AMECEA Social Communications

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