TANZANIA: AMECEA Secretariat and TEC Mourn the Death of Bishop Fortunatus Lukanima

AMECEA Secretariat and Tanzania Episcopal Conference mourn the
death of Rt. Rev. Bishop Fortunatus Lukanima, Bishop Emeritus of Arusha which
happened in the morning of 12th March

Bishop Fortunatus Lukanima

2014 at Bugando Referral
Hospital in Mwanza, Tanzania. 

Information received from TEC said Bishop Lukanima was
suffering from the Cancer of the Blood and was admitted in Bugando for
Born on 8th December 1940 and ordained a priest
on 8th December 1968 Bishop Lukanima served AMECEA Secretariat first
in the position of Secretary for Social Communications Department from 1985 to
1986 and later as AMECEA Secretary General from 1986 to 1989 when he was
appointed Bishop of Arusha on 6th March. He resigned as bishop of
Arusha on 20th July 1998.
The late Bishop Lukanima will be buried on Saturday 15th
March at Kagunguli Parish in the island of Ukerewe in the Diocese of Bunda,
A condolence message sent from AMECEA Secretary General Fr Ferdinand
Lugonzo to the TEC Chairman Rt. Rev Tarcisius Ngalalekumtwa said AMECEA
Secretariat have received the sad news of the death of Bishop Fortunatus Lukanima,
Bishop Emeritus of Arusha with deep sorrow.
“While accepting God’s will in this painful event, we take
this occasion to thank Almighty Godf or the gift of Bishop Lukanima to the
Church in the AMECEA region. We wish to recall here that Bishop Lukanima served
as the AMECEA Social Communications Secretary and later as Secretary General
between years 1985 and 1988. During this period he served with diligence
andcommitment. We shall cherish the memories and good works of the late
Bishop,” read the message.
“On behalf of all the AMECEA Bishops and the Secretariat
Staff, I send our condolences to the members of Tanzania Episcopal Conference
and especially the Family of God in the Archdiocese of Arusha where he served. I
also send condolences to the family, relatives and friends of Bishop Fortunatus
Lukanima. May Almighty God grant us all a strong faith so that we may accept the
death of our beloved Bishop in faith,” read the message.
The founder of Social Communication department at AMECEA,
Fr. Joseph Healy, MM expressed deep condolences and sympathy on the death of
Bishop Fortunatus Lukanima, Bishop Emeritus of Arusha.
May His Soul Rest in Peace
AMECEA Social Communications and TEC

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