SUDAN: Vatican Appoints New Apostolic Nuncio for Sudan

The Holy Father Pope Francis, on March 10th 2014
appointed Msgr. Hubertus Matheus Maria van Megen as Apostolic Nuncio to Sudan, and
at the same time elevating him to the dignity of Archbishop.  
Monsignor Van Megen
Until his appointment, Monsignor Hubertus was the Charge’ D’Affairs at
Apostolic Nunciature of Malawi.
Monsignor Van Megen entered the diplomatic service of the
Holy See in 1994, and has served in the pontifical representations of Sudan,
Uruguay, Brazil, Jerusalem, Slovakia, and at the office of the United Nations
in Geneva.
The Archbishop-elect was born in Eygelshoven, Netherlands in
1961, and was ordained a priest in 1987.
the former Apostolic Nuncio to Sudan, South Sudan and Eritrea,His Excellency Archbishop
Leo Boccardi, has been appointed to be the Apostolic Nuncio to Iran.  His Appointment to Iran was announced by the
Vatican’s Secretariat of state on July 11th 2013.
On December 21st 2013, the current Apostolic
Nuncio to Kenya Archbishop Charles Daniel Balvo was appointed by the Holy
Father as Papal representative to South Sudan.
Vatican Information Services and AMECEA Social Communications.

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