MALAWI: AMECEA Executive Board Hails ECM for the 18th Plenary Preparation

The AMECEA Executive Board Members are very pleased
with the ongoing preparation of the 18th Plenary Assembly to be held
in Malawi from 16 -26 July 2014.
This was revealed during the AMECEA Executive Board Meeting held
in Lilongwe, Malawi from

10-13 March, 2014 in which the review of the
preparation of 18th Plenary Assembly was one of the agenda.

Presenting the report to the Executive Board, the ECM Secretary
General, Fr George Buleya said the Plenary Assembly will be opened with Holy
Mass to be held at Civo Stadium in Lilongwe on 17th July 2014 and it
will close on 26th July 2014 with Holy Mass at Maula Cathedral.
Fr. Buleya said that since the campaign and sensitization about
the forth coming AMECEA Plenary Assembly started last year, there has been an
overwhelming response from the faithful at various levels. He further said
that, with the support of the Bishops in Malawi, the Organizing Committee is working
tireless to coordinate all the preparations for the event. He said, “by this
time, all the faithful in Malawi know about the coming Plenary Assembly event.
They are eagerly waiting with great enthusiasm to share their faith with our
brothers and sisters in the AMECEA region and with the Universal Church.”
Bingu International Conference Centre

He went on to say that the generosity of the faithful at various
levels of the Church in Malawi has made the fundraising initiatives a success.
Many people have responded positively to the call of the Bishops of Malawi.
Through the fundraising committee, the Bishops asked every Catholic faithful in
Malawi to contribute Malawi Kwacha (50) – equivalent to 0.13 USDollars.

Fr. Buleya said, “We are glad that many of our Christians have
responded positively.” In addition to this, the fundraising committee has been
conducting various initiatives to finance the preparation and hosting of the
event and many people have been very generous.
Fr. Buleya also acknowledged the collaboration with the government
leaders in making preparation for the event. The organizing has made a number
of consultations with appropriate government authorities in order to ensure
that the event is not only beneficial to the Catholic Church but to all the
People of God in Malawi and beyond. He further said that a prayer has been so
that we spiritually prepare ourselves and entrust every effort to God’s own
blessings. At the end of the report, the Executive Board resolved that the
prayer should be printed and sent to all National Conferences in the AMECEA
Speaking on the preparations by the AMECEA Secretariat, the
Secretary General, Fr. Ferdinand Lugonzo said that the collaboration with the
Secretariat of ECM has been smooth. The AMECEA Secretariat is also making
efforts to fundraising for the Plenary Assembly through contributions from all
the dioceses in the region and also from AMECEA partners.
The Chairman of the Executive Board, Most Rev. Tarcisio Ziyaye
thanked the Secretaries General for their work. He encouraged all the National
Conferences to play their role in ensuring that this event is a success in
building collaboration, solidarity and fraternity among AMECEA Bishops.
The Executive Board members had a chance to visit the Bingu
International Conference Centre, the venue of the meeting.
Source: AMECEA Social

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