UGANDA: Archbishop Emmanuel Obbo Installed

Emmanuel Obbo was installed as the New Archbishop of Tororo Archdiocese in a
colorful ceremony that was also attended by the President of
Uganda H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on the 1st March 2014 at Uganda Martyrs
Cathedral Nyangole in Tororo, Uganda.

President Museveni in a group photo with Nuncio to
Uganda and Bishops
received from Uganda said the holy mass was celebrated by the His Grace
Archbishop Dr. Emmanuel Obbo, assisted by the Apostolic Nuncio to Uganda
Archbishop Micheal August Blume and several Bishops and the clergy.

In his homily, the Archbishop noted that the day’s celebration was first of all a thanksgiving to God for His call. Each person has been called by God to serve Him. This same God called the Prophet Jeremiah as a young boy to submit to His will, as indicated in the First Reading. Jeremiah at first hesitated, but God counseled him and assured him that He would be with him. This is the call that is being celebrated in his installation as Archbishop of Tororo.

The Archbishop also pointed out that because Jeremiah loved God and his people, he accepted to suffer and he worked hard to save his people. He called his people to repentance. Jesus Christ also came with the same message of repentance. He called the people to repent and turn to God. We repeat the same message today by calling each one to repent and turn to God. A friend of God must love God and be ready to love and serve others. The love of God we are celebrating today should be carried to our homes. The domestic violence that is rampart in many homes today does not reflect love. In fact domestic violence is hate and hate is the opposite of love of God. For as St. John says, we cannot claim to love the God whom we do not see if we do not love the brother whom we see. Let love start among us and then extend to others.

Museveni who was the guest of honor at the event asked the Church to work with
the government especially on issues of agriculture and development.

The President called on the Church to work with government in creating a modern society in Uganda. He urged the Church leaders to encourage the people to adopt modern commercial farming which will improve household incomes and thus enable the people to support the Church and to sustain the economy. Regarding the Anti-Homosexuality Bill which he recently signed into law, the President expressed that his concern was not about the reaction of the Western World, but the ability of Ugandans to produce enough to sustain the economy in case the West cuts off aid.

The ceremony
was also attended by AMECEA Secretary General Rev Fr Ferdinand Lugonzo who was
accompanied with two staff from AMECEA Secretariat. Other people who witnessed the
installation were cabinet ministers, religious and traditional leaders and
Members of Parliament; Christians faithful from all the 5 dioceses that include:
Soroti, Moroto, Jinja, Kotido and the host diocese Tororo attended the
installation event.  
Emmanuel Obbo who has been the Bishop of Soroti diocese, was appointed by Pope
Francis as the 3rd Metropolitan Archbishop of Tororo on the 2nd January 2014.
Communication Office

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