SOUTH SUDAN: Vatican Prelate to visit South Sudan

Archbishop of Juba Archbishop Paolino Lukudu Loro has announced that Pesident of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace H.E. Peter
Cardinal Tukson Kwadwo Appiah will make an official visit to South Sudan
starting from 18, March 2014.
H.E. Peter Cardinal Tukson
In a tentative programme obtained by CRN from
Archbishop Lukudu showed that Cardinal Turkson will preside over the
Eucharistic celebration in which he will also bless the New St Joseph Parish
Church in the Archdiocese of Juba on Wednesday March 19.

Archbishop Lukudu said the Cardinal is
expected to meet Catholic bishops, Monsignors, priests, religious men and women
and a cross section of the laity on Thursday March 20.

The Archbishop further explained that Cardinal
Turkson Peter Kwadwo is expected to meet the President of South Sudan His
Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit and the Archbishop of the Episcopal Church of
South Sudan and Sudan Daniel Deng Bull on March 21.

Cardinal Turkson is expected to preside over
a solemn Eucharistic celebration at St Theresa’s Cathedral Kator on Sunday
March 23 and depart to Rome the following day.

Meanwhile, Sporadic
gunshots erupted on Wednesday
around 9 am; 5th March, 2014 at Jebel army Barrack in Juba City  posing
panic and memories of mid-December crisis in the city.

Residents reported heavy and light sounds of gun shooting, but no
information could be obtained from official sources about what exactly happened.
The situation got back to normal in the morning, with calm and traffic
movements in most streets of the city.

An anonymous Jebel market-based Ugandan
businessman said he could not close his shop when heavy gun sounds started, but
only ran for his safety, Bakhita Radio reported.

He said he saw a female body lying on the
road but could not explain whether the person on the ground was shot or not.
But on another account from a South Sudanese woman selling vegetable at Jebel
market said she passed the body of a woman who was on the ground heavily

Heavy gunshots caused people to panic as
soldiers were everywhere in the town.


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