KENYA: Children Donate Foodstuff to South Sudan

On Saturday, March 01, Kenyan Catholic
children, members of the Pontifical Missionary Childhood (PMC) donated food
stuff, old clothes and shoes to their counterparts in the South Sudan.

The occasion was during the marking of this
year’s PMC Day for the Archdiocese of Nairobi, held at Nairobi’s Saint Mary’s
Play Ground, Msongari and under the theme: Mary Our Model of Faith, Hope and
The Mass was presided over by John Cardinal
Njue in the presence of the Vatican’s representative in Kenya and the South
Sudan, His Excellency Archbishop Charles Daniel Balvo.
In his homily, Cardinal Njue said the Church
attaches great interest in the pastoral mission among the children urging
parents to play their parental role in instilling the spiritual interest among
their children.
The Cardinal urged the parents to ensure that
their children are enrolled themselves with the PMC. “This way, the children
will begin to be Christ-like and disciplined,” he said adding that “Who knows
the future Priests and Sisters could come from here.” 
Cardinal Njue thanked parents, whom he said
through them, the assembled children managed to donate various items for the
suffering children in the South Sudan. “Your donation will make a difference to
your counter parts in the South Sudan, it is not how much you give, but the
heart to do that mattered most,” he said.
Addressing the same gathering, Apostolic
Nuncio, Archbishop Balvo thanked the PMC children for their donation gesture.
He assured them that his office will make every effort to have the donated
items get to the targeted children in the South Sudan.
The Apostolic Nuncio described the children
in the South Sudan as the suffering lot and who missed love. “Through your
donations, you have both shown concern and love to them,” he emphasized.
Present at the grand occasion, included the
National Director of the PMS (Pontifical Missionary Societies),  Fr Celestino Bundi, and the National Director
of PMC, Sr Esther Kimani.

SOURCE: KCCB Waumini Communications

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