SOUTH SUDAN: Bishop Complains for Lack of Media Coverage to Church Activities

Bishop Lodu Tombe (Right)
The Yei Catholic Bishop Rt Rev
Erkulano Lodu Tombe on Saturday, 22 February complained about the absence of Press
during the launch of their Diocesan Strategic Plan.
Report from South said Bishop
Lodu Tombe complained that the Catholic Diocese was experiencing absence of
media coverage of its activities as many things happen, but other media house
do not report to the public.
He said it was only the Yei
Catholic Church, Easter Radio that relates their activities to the public.
Bishop Lodu Tombe expressed fear
that people will look at Church as one sided and only belonging to Catholics Faithful
and not for all. “The Church is for all the people; not only Christians but everybody;
and this is part and parcel of the mission of the church,” he said.
The Bishop commended limited Church
media houses for covering on Saturday’s diocesan five-year strategic plan,
saying it was the duty of journalists to feed the public with information.
Comment from AMECEA Online News
A Visibility
study conducted by AMECEA Social Communications Office in February, 2013 in
some countries in the region found that the problem Bishop Lodu Tombe is
addressing is Cross-Cutting. There is less media coverage, especially from
secular media, to Church event and activities, like development issues, unless
it is a negative story. Those who come for coverage are either invited and paid
for their transport or they have heard some rumors and so they want to cover
the stories which are normally negative or against the Church. As one of the way
forward towards alleviating the problem, according to the department; is to try
to empower our Church Media and Personnel so that what they cover could also be
taken by secular media.

Communications Office

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