MALAWI: The AMECEA Fundraising Dinner was a Success

Mr. Kulemeka and his wife during the fundraising dinner

Tens of people from Lilongwe and outside attended the AMECEA
Fundraising Dinner which was held at the President’s Hotel in Lilongwe last
Friday 14, 2014.

The event, which coincided with the Valentine Bash was
organized by the AMECEA Publicity and Fundraising Sub-Committees with an
intention of raising funds for the coming 18th AMECEA Plenary
Assembly to be held from 16 -26 July 2014 in Lilongwe. 
The event was also attended by Malawi’s Charge’ D’Affairs,
Monsignor Hubertus Matheus Maria Van Megen, who was the Guest of honor; the
Secretary General for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, Fr. George Buleya and
his Deputy, Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo among others. 
Speaking during the event Monsignor Van Megen commended
Christians and other well-wishers across the country for patronizing the
function. He said the AMECEA conference is crucial to the Catholic Church and
the member nations at large. 
“The AMECEA conference has eight member countries, and
with this conference unity of the Church is made manifest. The Church in these
countries has many things in common, which include culture and socio-economic
and political challenges, hence the need for a common approach,” he
Speaking after the event the Chairperson of the main
organizing committee Mr Peter Kulemeka commended the AMECEA Publicity and
Fundraising Sub-Committees chaired by Saulos Chilima and Dr. Mary Shaba
respectively for planning various fund raising strategies including that one
which was colorful and successful.
“As you saw for yourself the patronage was so
impressive and I would like to thank the committee which was assigned to
under-take the activities in preparation to this great event. It has been
colorful, meaning that the committee prepared well. I would also like to thank
those that patronized the event, the Catholics and other well-wishers. I thank
them all for the support that they have rendered to us,” he said. 
Mr Kulemeka said that the committee is overwhelmed with the
support so far rendered by Christians and other well-wishers ahead of the
plenary which will take place in Malawi from July 16 to 26 this year. 
He then challenged Christians especially Catholics in the
country to come fourth and support the AMECEA plenary through their financial
and material support. 
The Fundraising event was spiced up with the performance of
Mibawa Band which performed a number of copy right songs. 
The Committee has since lined up other activities in the
near future like the renewal of Marriage vows, and possibly a Football bonanza.


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